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knowledge 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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knowledges, plural;
  1. Relating to organized information stored electronically or digitally
    • - the knowledge economy
  1. Facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject
    • - a thirst for knowledge
    • - her considerable knowledge of antiques
  2. What is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information
    • - the transmission of knowledge
  3. True, justified belief; certain understanding, as opposed to opinion

  4. Awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation
    • - the program had been developed without his knowledge
    • - he denied all knowledge of the overnight incidents

  1. cognition: the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
  2. Knowledge is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as (i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject; (ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information; or (iii) awareness or ...
  3. Knowledge were a Jamaican roots reggae group best known for their work in the late 1970s and early 1980s, which saw them sign to A&M Records.
  4. In law knowledge is one of the degrees of mens rea that constitute part of a crime. For example, in English law, the offence of knowingly being a passenger in a vehicle taken without consent (TWOC) requires that the procecution prove, not only that the defendant was a passenger in a vehicle and ...
  5. Kmag, previously known as Knowledge, is a music magazine published in the UK that claimed to be "the biggest selling Drum and Bass magazine in the world." Its print edition, from 1994 to 2009, had international distribution and was called "authoritative" by the Toronto Star. ...
  6. Epistemology (from Greek ' – epistēmē, "knowledge, science" + ', "logos") or theory of knowledge is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope (limitations) of knowledge. It addresses the questions: * What is knowledge? * How is knowledge acquired? * What do people know? ...
  7. "Knowledge" is a hardcore punk song by the ska-core band Operation Ivy. It was written by lead vocalist Jesse Michaels and appeared on the album Energy.
  8. Acknowledgement. [14th-16th c.]; The fact of knowing about something; general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place, situation etc. [from 14th c.]; Awareness of a particular fact or situation; a state of having been informed or made aware of something. [from 14th c. ...
  9. arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat, reproduce state.
  10. (n.) information plus semantic meaning.
  11. Exhibit memory of previously-learned materials by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts and answers
  12. Awareness or possession of information about facts, ideas, skills, truths, and principles
  13. Knowing and experiencing the truth of God and salvation through Jesus Christ. Spiritual knowledge (1) is frequently identified with Christian doctrine; (2) is applied to the spiritual meaning of the Scripture; and (3) refers to mystical and contemplative knowledge, not merely intellectual ...
  14. Knowing something with the familiarity gained through experience, education, observation, or investigation, it is understanding a process, practice, or technique, or how to use a tool.
  15. To know something means to have a fact or bit of information at your disposal. One can "know" something without understanding it or being able to put it into a higher context. ...
  16. the final goal of the understanding in combining intuitions and concepts. If they are pure, the knowledge will be transcendental; if they are impure, the knowledge will be empirical. In a looser sense, 'knowledge' also refers to that which arises out adopting any legitimate perspective.
  17. statements refer to an organized body of information usually of a factual or procedural nature which, if applied, makes adequate performance on the job possible. A body of information applied directly to the performance of a function.
  18. It is impossible to provide a satisfactory account of the conceptual background behind the term knowledge in a few words. ...
  19. remembering or recalling appropriate, previously learned information to draw out factual (usually right or wrong) answers. Use words and phrases such as: how many, when, where, list, define, tell, describe, identify, etc., to draw out factual answers, testing students' recall and recognition.
  20. (connaissance). Knowledge is the product of theoretical practice (q.v.); it is Generalities III (q.v.). As such it is clearly distinct from the practical recognition (reconnaissance) of a theoretical problem.
  21. Knowledge of a circumstance (the term may be a variant, such as "know," "reason to know," or "reason to believe") includes not only positive knowledge that the circumstance exists or is substantially certain to occur, but also an awareness of a high probability of its existence or future ...
  22. “involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting.”
  23. The stock of Information, skills, experience, beliefs, and memories existing in the head of the individual. (after Van Beveren, 2002)
  24. A topic in the Career Kokua Occupations file. The Knowledge topic lists areas of experience and training that are needed for success in an occupation.
  25. The terms "knowledge" and "information" will be used almost interchangeably in this site. In general, however, "information" may describe what is communicated about a particular fact or subject; something you receive or are told. ...