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joists, plural;
  1. A length of timber or steel supporting part of the structure of a building, typically arranged in parallel series to support a floor or ceiling

  1. beam used to support floors or roofs
  2. A joist, in architecture and engineering, is one of the horizontal supporting members that run from wall to wall, wall to beam, or beam to beam to support a ceiling, roof, or floor. It may be made of wood, steel, or concrete. ...
  3. A piece of timber laid horizontally, or nearly so, to which the planks of the floor, or the laths or furring strips of a ceiling, are nailed; -- called, according to its position or use, binding joist, bridging joist, ceiling joist, trimming joist, etc; To fit or furnish with joists
  4. (Joists) Parallel beams of timber, concrete or steel for supporting floors or ceilings, etc.
  5. (Joists) A structural framing member, such as a 2" x 10" piece of lumber, which is usually spaced every 16" to 24" apart. Floor joist supports the sub-floor and flooring. Ceiling joist holds the ceiling sheetrock or wallboard.  The joist runs perpendicular to beams.
  6. (JOISTS) Horizontal beams laid on edge to support flooring or a ceiling.
  7. (Joists) The main floor framing members of a house.
  8. (JOISTS) The horizontal support for a roof, ceiling, or floor that runs from one wall to another. Larger joists are often known as beams.
  9. (Joists) A small beam. Timbers carrying floors and ceilings.
  10. (Joists) Dimensional lumber set parallel to each other that creates the actual deck structure and rests on beams.
  11. (Joists) Horizontal beams that support the floor. Joists are parallel to each other and usually spaces 16 inches apart on center. In some cases, where more support is required, the joists may be closer together like 12" on center and in other cases joists can be spaces 19. ...
  12. (Joists) The timber supports upon which a floor is constructed
  13. (Joists) Typically 2 x 8 boards that are installed perpendicular and between beams to help distribute weight and hold up the decking boards. Joists are usually installed 16 or 24 inches apart.
  14. (Joists) structural supports.
  15. Joists are the cross members and are running perpindicular to the band boards. Typically they will rest on 4x4 skids.
  16. The joists are structural members that span from sill to sill or from sill to girder. They usually run perpendicular to the girder. Floor joist size is dependent upon its span, spacing, design load, species and grade. Proper sizing of joists is accomplished with the use of engineering tables.
  17. A floor or ceiling support member supported by foundation walls, piers or beams. Subflooring is connected to floor joists.
  18. Part of the framing that provides the structure for a floor. In most homes, floor joists are made of 2x8s or larger lumber set on edge and spaced 16 inches apart, from center to center.
  19. Light beam for supporting a floor or roof.
  20. A parallel chord truss with the least chord dimension in the vertical plane.
  21. A structural, load-carrying building member with an open web system that supports floors and roofs utilizing wood or specific steels and is designed as a simple span member.
  22. a beam supporting a floor or ceiling
  23. The horizontal framing members that support the floors.
  24. Parallel framing member installed horizontally to support floor and ceiling loads.
  25. A small rectangular sectional member arranged parallel from wall to wall in a building, or resting on beams or girders. They support a floor or the laths or furring strips of a ceiling.