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jargon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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jargons, plural;
  1. A translucent, colorless, or smoky gem variety of zircon

  1. slang: a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
  2. jargoon: a colorless (or pale yellow or smoky) variety of zircon
  3. specialized technical terminology characteristic of a particular subject
  4. A pidgin language is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups that do not have a language in common. ...
  5. Spoken language that has a normal rate and rhythm but is full of nonsense words.
  6. Extra information to distinguish two different words lists that have the same language and spelling parameters.
  7. Verbalizations of children approximately from 9 months to 18 months which contains syllables
  8. Words specific to an industry that ignorant people use to try to make themselves seem smarter. Little do they know that using jargon in their marketing copy is a sure-fire way to confuse the heck out of their customers.
  9. Language used in a certain profession or by a particular group of people. Jargon is usually technical or abbreviated and difficult for people not in the profession to understand.
  10. The specialized vocabulary peculiar to a specific occupation, profession, or social group. Also, obscure or unintelligible communication, as language that is characterized by pretentious vocabulary, convoluted syntax, and is uncommonly vague in meaning (eg: "sacred gibberish"). ...
  11. The language used within a particular field. Computer Jargon is compiled in the definitive Jargon File
  12. Authors should avoid using jargon and explain any local or specialized terminology.
  13. Specialised technical language of a particular subject. Learn Direct - an on-line learning project managed by the University for Industry.
  14. Words or language specific to a certain discipline e.g. Careers
  15. Jargon is technical language that is used in a profession, or by a group of people. Jargon is suitable in some documentation. For example, in a reference manual for SQL programmers, terms such as 'table', 'entity', and '3^rd Normal Form' are suitable. ...
  16. special words and phrases that are used and understood by people who work in a particular job but are often confusing for others
  17. Common Jargon terms used in email messages
  18. Specialised language concerned with a particular subject, culture or profession. It is not usually found in the everyday speech of ordinary readers or listeners and so should be avoided in the general media if possible.
  19. The specialized vocabulary or set of idioms shared by a particular profession. The various acronyms and idioms used by the US military forces would be considered jargon.
  20. the technical language of an occupation or group
  21. What this glossary is about. For one set of explanations try The New Hacker’s Dictionary from MIT Press (see yellow book), available online through the link at top right. If you want to understand and be understood you have no option but to learn it
  22. The language professionals use that no one can ever understand.
  23. The language, especially vocabulary of a particular trade, profession or group (e.g., trade jargon). Jargon is distinct from terminology in that it tends to be colourful, colloquial and visual. Its meaning is often confined to an occupational context and even to a locality. ...
  24. Jargon is the special language of a certain group or profession, such as psychological jargon, legal jargon, or medical jargon. ...
  25. The technical language of a special field. Learning linguistic terms has been important to our course. Groups use specialized lexicon to communicate more directly or accurately, express group solidarity, and maintain status or oppositional identity..