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intrusive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Making an unwelcome manifestation with disruptive or adverse effect,
  1. Making an unwelcome manifestation with disruptive or adverse effect
    • - that was an intrusive question
    • - tourist attractions that are environmentally intrusive
  2. (of a person) Disturbing another by one's uninvited or unwelcome presence
    • - giving people information about their health without being too intrusive
  3. (of a sound) Pronounced between words or syllables to facilitate pronunciation, such as an r in saw a movie, which occurs in the speech of some eastern New Englanders and metropolitan New Yorkers

  4. Of, relating to, or formed by intrusion

  1. tending to intrude (especially upon privacy); "she felt her presence there was intrusive"
  2. of rock material; forced while molten into cracks between layers of other rock
  3. thrusting inward; "an intrusive arm of the sea"
  4. (intrusiveness) aggressiveness as evidenced by intruding; by advancing yourself or your ideas without invitation
  5. An intrusion is liquid rock that forms under the surface of the earth. Magma from under the surface slowly moves its way up from deep within the earth and moves into any cracks or spaces it can find, sometimes pushing existing country rock out of the way, a process that can take millions of ...
  6. (intrusiveness) The quality of being intrusive
  7. (Intrusiveness) A dimension of active computational artifacts (e.g., agents, critics, information volunteering) which should be set at the "right" level.
  8. an artifact or feature found within a feature, component or stratum of which it was not originally a part.
  9. adjective applied to igneous masses consolidated beneath the earth's surface.
  10. A body of igneous rock formed by the consolidation of magma intruded into other.
  11. (in-TRUH-siv): igneous rock that forms below ground
  12. An igneous rock that solidified from magma that was injected into older rocks below the earth's surface.
  13. Refers to igneous rocks that crystallized underground.
  14. magma that has penetrated into pre-existing rock and solidified
  15. Plutonic. Antonym of extrusive.