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insensitivity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the inability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
  2. (insensitive) not responsive to physical stimuli; "insensitive to radiation"
  3. (Insensitive (House)) Houses third season ran from September 5, 2006 to May 29, 2007. Early in the season, House temporarily regains the use of his leg, due to Ketamine treatment, after he was shot in the season two finale. ...
  4. (Insensitive (song)) "Insensitive" is a song recorded by Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden, released as a single from her 1994 second album Living Under June. Unlike most of her material, Arden did not compose it herself. It was instead composed by her friend, Canadian songwriter Anne Loree.
  5. (insensitive) not having normal physical feeling; not having normal emotional feelings, cold, tactless, undiplomatic
  6. (insensitive) adj (tactless; not showing gentle politeness) sentaktaZ,PIV
  7. an old term for resistance. Now used to refer to cases where a fungus is not inherently controlled by a fungicide, e.g DMI fungicides do not control Phytophthora infestans.
  8. to pain means that the painful stimulus is not even perceived: a patient cannot describe the intensity or type of pain.
  9. Androgen insensitivity syndrome