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influenza 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics,
  1. A highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages causing fever, severe aching, and catarrh, and often occurring in epidemics

  1. an acute febrile highly contagious viral disease
  2. Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses), that affects birds and mammals. ...
  3. An acute contagious disease of the upper airways and lungs, caused by a virus, which rapidly spreads around the world in seasonal epidemics
  4. the flu; an infectious respiratory disease contracted by inhaling a virus. Influenza is characterized by chills, fever, prostration, headache, muscle aches, sore throat and a dry cough. Influenza may be life-threatening in infants, the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems.
  5. a respiratory infection caused by flu viruses. The viruses can pass through the air and enter your body through your nose or mouth. Most people who get the flu get better within a week (although they may have a lingering cough and tire easily for a while longer). ...
  6. a viral respiratory tract infection. The influenza viruses are divided into three types: A, B, and C.
  7. Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. Common symptoms include: fever, headache, aches and pains, fatigue and weakness, extreme exhaustion, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, chest discomfort and cough (and nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in children).
  8. more commonly the "flu", is transmitted from the sneeze or cough of an infected person, person to person contact, or contact with objects that an infected person has contaminated with nose and throat secretions. ...
  9. A contagious respiratory illness caused by particular strains of viruses (see avian influenza, pandemic influenza, seasonal influenza)
  10. A highly contagious viral infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, severe aches and pains, and inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  11. Also called the ‘flu’. Influenza is a viral infection that can cause coughing, sore throat, fever, headaches and aching muscles and joints.
  12. An acute viral infection of the respiratory tract.
  13. Any human respiratory (lung) infection of undetermined cause. Symptoms may include: sudden onset, fever, feeling physically or mentally tired, severe aches and pains, and shortness of breath.
  14. Spread through coughing and sneezing, influenza (the flu) can lead to pneumonia. Symptoms include exhaustion, fever, chills, muscle pain, and headache. Normally, the flu season extends from December to March.
  15. a highly infectious disease caused by virus that affects the respiratory tract. Symptoms include headache, weakness and fever, appetite loss and general aches and pains. Sometimes there is the complication of a lung infection that requires immediate treatment. ...
  16. Influenza, also known as the flu, is caused by a virus that also affects birds and mammals. Flu symptoms include fever, muscle aches, sore throat, chills, fatigue, headache, and coughing. Typically it is transmitted by direct contact or through the air from people who are sick. ...
  17. research - vaccine - pandemic - Spanish flu - Avian influenza
  18. source is often in China; transmitted from birds to pigs, from pigs to humans (virus survives in the air long enough to be transmitted w/o vectors); 1918 – worst pandemic in history (50-100 million died worldwide).
  19. is a viral infection that affects mainly the nose, throat, bronchi and, occasionally, lungs. The virus is transmitted easily from person to person via droplets and small particles produced when infected people cough or sneeze. Influenza tends to spread rapidly in seasonal epidemics.
  20. Anyone who has had influenza will know that it is more serious complaint than simply having bad cold. Different viral strains produce differing symptoms, but generally threr is fever , aching muscles,headache and general weakness. Sometimes there may also be a harsh cough. ...
  21. a highly contagious viral infection of the upper respiratory tract knownas "the flu". More than 200 different strains of viruses can cause influenza.Influenza commonly occurs in winter.