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inefficient 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Not achieving maximum productivity; wasting or failing to make the best use of time or resources,
  1. Not achieving maximum productivity; wasting or failing to make the best use of time or resources
    • - an old, inefficient factory
    • - the government was both inefficient and corrupt

  1. not producing desired results; wasteful; "an inefficient campaign against drugs"; "outdated and inefficient design and methods"
  2. ineffective: lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate; "an ineffective administration"; "inefficient workers"
  3. (inefficiency) unskillfulness resulting from a lack of efficiency
  4. The term inefficiency has several meanings depending on the context in which its used: *Algorithmic inefficiency - refers to less than optimum computer programs that might exhibit one of more of the symptoms of:- ** slow execution ** excessive resource consumption (computer memory, instruction ...
  5. (Inefficiency) Every generator has a certain speed at which it runs most efficiently. But since the wind is not constant, we must try to design to a happy medium. ...
  6. adj. Resembling the methods and practices currently in use.