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improvise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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improvised, past tense; improvised, past participle; improvising, present participle; improvises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or without preparation
    • - the ability to improvise operatic arias in any given style
    • - he was improvising to a backing of guitar chords
  2. Produce or make (something) from whatever is available
    • - I improvised a costume for myself out of an old blue dress

  1. perform without preparation; "he extemporized a speech at the wedding"
  2. manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand; "after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks"
  3. (improvised) done or made using whatever is available; "crossed the river on improvised bridges"; "the survivors used jury-rigged fishing gear"; "the rock served as a makeshift hammer"
  4. (improvisation) a creation spoken or written or composed extemporaneously (without prior preparation)
  5. (improvisation) an unplanned expedient
  6. (Improvises) Improvisation is the practice of acting, singing, talking and reacting, of making and creating, in the moment and in response to the stimulus of one's immediate environment and inner feelings. ...
  7. (Improvisation (music)) Musical improvisation (also known as Musical Extemporization) is the creative activity of immediate ("in the moment") musical composition, which combines performance with communication of emotions and instrumental technique as well as spontaneous response to other ...
  8. (Improvisation (theatre)) Improvisational theatre (also known as improv or impro) is a form of theatre in which the improvisational actors/ improvisers use improvisational acting techniques to perform spontaneously. ...
  9. To make something up or invent it as one goes on; to proceed guided only by imagination, instinct, and guesswork rather than by a careful plan
  10. (improvisation) spontaneous musical invention
  11. (Improvisation) A scene performed with little or no rehearsal.
  12. (Improvisation) The art of inventing music on the fly. This is achieved by knowing the structure of music, hearing it and inventing according to the rules.
  13. (Improvisation) Spontaneous Composition. The performance of music that is composed on the spur-of-the moment by the performer, usually as a solo, or cadenza. This may take the form of ornamentation, variation of a song or theme, or completely new material. Also used extensively in jazz.
  14. (improvisation) akin to ad-lib, but usually refers to the spontaneous making up an entire bit or the continual comedic conversing with audience members.
  15. (Improvisation) Making up the music as you play.
  16. (Improvisation) [1]method of rehearsals, [2]method of training and [3]method of performance. Improvisation -- any unscripted work in drama.
  17. (IMPROVISATION) An unrehearsed scene, in your own, extemporaneous words.
  18. (IMPROVISATION) Creating an activity, an exercise, some lines or dialogue with another actor on the spot or with very little preparation.
  19. (IMPROVISATION) From variation to full-blown solos; making it up as you go, or "freestyling"
  20. (Improvisation (improv)) the process of spontaneously creating fresh melodies over the continuously repeating cycle of chord changes of a tune. ...
  21. (Improvisation) A work or performance that is done on the spur of the moment, without conscious preparation or preliminary drafts or rehearsals. See Drama
  22. (Improvisation) As noted above the composer always turns some degree of control in interpretation over to the fabricator or performer. When this is intentional to a significant degree it enters the realm of improvisation. Jazz is a musical form with improvisation as one of its defining aspects.
  23. (Improvisation) Creation of a musical composition while it is being performed, most commonly seen in Baroque ornamentation, cadenzas of concertos and jazz music.
  24. (Improvisation) Creative process of composing music or soloing ad lib.
  25. (Improvisation) Music is created Òin the momentÓ based on musical structure and style.