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humidity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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humidities, plural;
  1. The state or quality of being humid

  2. A quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or a gas
    • - the temperature is seventy-seven, the humidity in the low thirties
  3. Atmospheric moisture

  1. wetness in the atmosphere
  2. (humid) containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor; "humid air"; "humid weather"
  3. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Relative humidity is defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in a parcel of air to the saturated vapor pressure of water vapor at a prescribed temperature. Humidity may also be expressed as specific humidity. ...
  4. Humidity (2000) is an album by the American ambient musician Robert Rich. It is a three disc set of live material recorded in 1998.
  5. dampness, especially that of the air; the amount of water vapour in the air
  6. (humid) Containing sensible moisture (usually describing air or atmosphere); damp; moist; somewhat wet or watery; as, humid earth; consisting of water or vapor
  7. (Humid) to describe the air being hot and damp
  8. The amount of moisture in the air. Air conditioners remove moisture for added comfort.
  9. To dream that you are overcome with humidity, foretells that you will combat enemies fiercely, but their superior force will submerge you in overwhelming defeat. See Air.
  10. A measure of the moisture content of air; may be expressed as absolute, mixing ratio, saturation deficit, relative, or specific.
  11. Relative humidity probably affects pressure ratio quite a bit by changing gamma because of all those big H2O molecules mixed in with those little gas molecules. It almost certainly has some effect on evaporative cooling in a water injection system. ...
  12. Dampness in the air caused by water vapor.
  13. In hydrometrical reports, complete saturation of the air with moisture is designated by a humidity level of 100. Partial saturation is noted by smaller numbers. See Absolute and Relative Humidity.
  14. a measure of how much or how little water vapour is in the air.
  15. The amount of water vapour in the local atmosphere. Relative humidity is measured by the Phoenix's Microscopy, Electrochemistry, and Conductivity Analyzer (MECA) thermal and electrical conductivity probe (TECP). ...
  16. Relative humidity, expressed as a percentage. This is measured on site at 2m, with an accuracy of 2% at 0 - 90% humidity, 3% at 90 to 100%. (Vaisala HMP45A.) 10 second samples are averaged over 5 minutes.
  17. Absolute humidity is the quantity of water in a particular volume of air. The most common units are grams per cubic meter, although any mass unit and any volume unit could be used. Pounds per cubic foot is common in the U.S. ...
  18. High humidity can be a problem in the vineyard as it can encourage fungal growth at certain levels. Consistent humidity levels are important when maturing wine or spirits in cellars.
  19. (adj. humid).  The water content of air.
  20. Living Walls create additional humidity in enclosed spaces. Additional ventilation may be required to prevent fogging and of nearby windows.
  21. Range of relative atmospheric humidity in which transducer functions per nominal specification
  22. The ratio of the air's total water vapor content to its total capacity at a given temperature.
  23. Water vapor suspended in the air.  Water vapor is a gas which, under the proper circumstances, may condense into water droplets; a concern to textile conservationists.  See Relative Humidity
  24. In excess is associated with mildew, especially on indoor hot tubs where moisture tends to be trapped in the hot tub room. Not as much of an issue in outdoor hot tubs.
  25. A measure of moisture in the atmosphere. It depends on the temperature and is higher in warm air than cold air.