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heterogeneity 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. the quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind
  2. (heterogeneous) consisting of elements that are not of the same kind or nature; "the population of the United States is vast and heterogeneous"
  3. (heterogeneous) heterogenous: originating outside the body
  4. Homogeneity and heterogeneity are concepts relating to the uniformity or lack thereof in a substance. A material that is homogeneous is uniform in composition or character; one that is heterogeneous lacks uniformity in one of these qualities.
  5. Diversity; A composition of diverse parts
  6. (heterogeneous) Diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts; Incommensurable because of different kinds; Having more than one phase (solid, liquid, gas) present in a system or process; Visibly consisting of different components; Of a network comprising different types of computers, ...
  7. (heterogeneous) [het er o gee´ nee us] Composed of varied cell types.
  8. (heterogeneous) Made up of a mixture of different parts or substances.
  9. (Heterogeneous) Dissimilar; varied or mixed
  10. (Heterogeneous) exhibit different characteristics; have different compositions.
  11. (heterogeneous (material)) material that has a varied composition.
  12. (Heterogeneous) A set of objects which are of different types. For example, any element of a heterogenous array might contain integers or floating point numbers, or another array, or any kind of data.
  13. (Heterogeneous) Describes a computing environment in which dissimilar hardware and/or software are used to perform related tasks.
  14. (Heterogeneous) Describes a substance which varies in its composition and properties from one part to another. Properties differ from place to place within the solution.
  15. (Heterogeneous) Probably at least one of every kind of commercially available hardware and software is connected to the Internet. Unix is popular as the operating system at the Internet connection point, although most other multiuser operating systems could support access.
  16. (Heterogeneous) When used in connection to aquifers, the term means nonuniform becuase the aquifer consists of more than one material type (gravel, sand, silt or clay) distributed as continuous or discontinuous layers.
  17. (Heterogeneous) is a system that consists of at least two phases (solid-liquid)
  18. (Heterogeneous) two distinct phases of matter that do not mix, such as immiscible liquids like oil and water, or a solid and gas
  19. (heterogeneous) (adj.) Containing components of more than one kind. A heterogeneous architecture may be one in which some components are processors, and others memories, or it may be one that uses different types of processor together. See also distributed computer, homogeneous.
  20. (heterogeneous) Capable of containing more than a single data type at one time. Python lists, for example.
  21. (heterogeneous) DIFFERENT++ travels in a horizontal circle.
  22. (heterogeneous) Made up of elements or ingredients that are not alike.
  23. Heterogeneous networks are networks with systems of different platforms that interact meaningfully across the
  24. Heterogeneity means that something has different forms or variations. For example, in the United States there is a heterogeneous population because there are people here from all over the world.
  25. This occurs when there is more variation between the study results (in a systematic review) than would be expected to occur by chance alone.