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generalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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generalizing, present participle; generalised, past participle; generalized, past participle; generalising, present participle; generalizes, 3rd person singular present; generalized, past tense; generalised, past tense; generalises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Infer general principles from specific cases
    • - it is tempting to generalize from these conclusions
  2. Make general or broad statements
    • - it is not easy to generalize about the poor
  3. Make or become more widely or generally applicable
    • - most of what we have observed in this field can be generalized to other fields
    • - many of the results generalize to multibody structures
  4. Make (something) more widespread or common
    • - attempts to generalize an elite education
  5. Make for wide general use or application
    • - generalized information pertinent to anyone
  6. (of a disease) Affecting much or all of the body; not localized
    • - a generalized rash and fever

  1. draw from specific cases for more general cases
  2. speak or write in generalities
  3. popularize: cater to popular taste to make popular and present to the general public; bring into general or common use; "They popularized coffee in Washington State"; "Relativity Theory was vulgarized by these authors"
  4. become systemic and spread throughout the body; "this kind of infection generalizes throughout the immune system"
  5. (generalized) not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment; "the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal"
  6. (generalization) reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
  7. (Generalizing) A generalization of a concept is an extension of the concept to less-specific criteria. It is a foundational element of logic and human reasoning. ...
  8. (Generalized) Blisters spread over large portions of the body, dry, and then recur again in repeated cycles lasting several days.
  9. (Generalized) drug eruptions · viral exanthems · toxic erythema · systemic lupus erythematosus
  10. (generalizes) Indicates that the subject vocabulary generalizes by some superclasses or superproperties the object vocabulary.
  11. (generalization) Attribute of a network whose output for a new input vector tends to be close to outputs for similar input vectors in its training set.
  12. (generalization) In general, reducing the number of points used to represent a line. In ArcInfo, the process of removing vertices from arcs according to a specified tolerance.
  13. (Generalization) The ability to perform a behavior in a variety of circumstances
  14. (generalization) a broad statement about an entire group.
  15. (generalization) A taxonomic relationship between a more general element and a more specific element. The more specific element is fully consistent with the more general element and contains additional information. ...
  16. (generalization) the process of reducing the complexity of a feature on a map in order to make the feature and its relationship to other features more easily understood
  17. (generalization) A hierarchical relationship in which child classes or subclasses inherit qualities of the parent class or superclass. The subclasses inherit all of the attributes and behaviors of the superclass. ...
  18. (GENERALIZATION) A person's ongoing use of new behaviors that were previously modeled for him or her. Generalization is also called transfer of training or maintenance.
  19. (GENERALIZATION) Result of the process of drawing conclusions about an entire class or group based on samples; generalizations indicate certain group characteristics without implying that every member -of the class or group has the same traits
  20. (GENERALIZATION) the abstraction of a general idea, principle, or pattern from the observation of particular objects, events, or experiences.  A statement that is broad enough to cover or describe characteristics that are common to a variety of particular objects, events, or experiences. ...
  21. (Generalization (generalizability)) the extent to which assessment findings and conclusions from a study conducted on a sample population can be applied to the population at large.
  22. (Generalization) A measure of how well a network can respond to new images on which it has not been trained but which are related in some way to the training patterns. An ability to generalize is crucial to the decision making ability of the network.
  23. (Generalization) An ability of a model to perform reliably well on any novel data in the given domain.
  24. (Generalization) Process by which one specific experience comes to represent a whole class of experiences, one of the three modeling processes in NLP.
  25. (Generalization) Removal of detail from a data layer to make processing or visualization easier at smaller scales.