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fossil 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fossils, plural;
  1. The remains or impression of a prehistoric organism preserved in petrified form or as a mold or cast in rock

  2. derogatory. An antiquated or stubbornly unchanging person or thing
    • - he can be a cantankerous old fossil at times
  3. A word or phrase that has become obsolete except in set phrases or forms, e.g., hue in hue and cry

  1. characteristic of a fossil
  2. dodo: someone whose style is out of fashion
  3. the remains (or an impression) of a plant or animal that existed in a past geological age and that has been excavated from the soil
  4. Fossils (from Latin fossus, literally "having been dug up") are the preserved remains or traces of animals, plants, and other organisms from the remote past. ...
  5. FOSSIL is a standard protocol for allowing serial communication for telecommunications programs under the DOS operating system. FOSSIL is an acronym for Fido Opus SEAdog Standard Interface Layer. ...
  6. Fossil is the default file system in Plan 9 from Bell Labs. It serves the network protocol 9P and runs as a user space daemon, like most Plan 9 file servers. Fossil is different from most other file systems due to its snapshot/archival feature. ...
  7. Fossil is a science fiction book written by Hal Clement and first printed in November, 1993. Copyright was reserved to him under his real name, Harry C. Stubbs and the company he associated himself with, Tomorrow, Inc..
  8. This is a list of expansion sets for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.
  9. Fossil is a distributed version control system, bug tracking system and wiki software server for use in software development. It was created by D. Richard Hipp.
  10. The mineralized remains of an animal or plant; Any preserved evidence of ancient life, including shells, imprints, burrows, coprolites, and organically-produced chemicals; A fossilized term; Anything extremely old, extinct, or outdated
  11. (Fossilian) Animals that need land or sand for burrowing.
  12. (Fossils) (Smithsonian Handbooks) by David Ward (Page 188)
  13. (Fossils) A waste product from thermal power stations using coal. The strategic metal., germanium can be extracted from fly ash.
  14. (Fossils) Ancient or extinct, prehistoric remains that were buried by natural processes and subsequently permanently preserved.
  15. (Fossils) The remains of animals, plants or even microscopic organisms which have been preserved in the geological record. they may be preserved as casts, replacement by minerals such as Calcite or Iron Pyrite, carbonised, preserved as casts or moulds and by a variety of other mechanisms.
  16. (Fossils) Turitella, Sand Dollars, Trilibites, Crinoid, Ammonite, Coral, Fern, Dinosaur Bone
  17. (Fossils) a fossil is a remnant of what was, either whole or in part, but usually replaced by some other element, for example opal.
  18. (Fossils) means a piece of a plant or animal, like a bone, that has been saved in a rock. What’s the word?
  19. (fossils) (FOSS-uhls) — the remains or impressions left in rocks by plants or animals
  20. (fossils) (in  dating (geochronology): Principles and techniques)
  21. (fossils) Any recognizable trace of past life. Among others, traces may include unaltered remains, parts of organisms that have been replaced by minerals, casts or molds where no part of the original specimen has been preserved but where the shape and ornamentation has been replicated, and tracks.
  22. (fossils) The ancient remains—like bones—of organisms that lived long ago
  23. 1. The remains or traces of prehistoric life preserved in rocks of the Earth's crust. 2. Any evidence of past life.
  24. Any evidence of past life, including remains, traces, imprints as well as life history artifacts. Examples of artifacts include fossilized bird's nests, bee hives, etc.
  25. An impression, cast, outline, or track of any animal or plant that is preserved in rock after the original organic material is transformed or removed.