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formal 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion,
  1. Done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion
    • - a formal dinner party
  2. (of a person or their manner) Prim or stiff

  3. Of or denoting a style of writing or public speaking characterized by more elaborate grammatical structures and more conservative and technical vocabulary

  4. (esp. of a house or garden) Arranged in a regular, classical, and symmetrical manner

  5. Officially sanctioned or recognized
    • - a formal complaint
  6. Having a conventionally recognized form, structure, or set of rules
    • - he had little formal education
  7. Of or concerned with outward form or appearance, esp. as distinct from content or matter
    • - I don't know enough about art to appreciate the purely formal qualities
  8. Having the form or appearance without the spirit
    • - his sacrifice will be more formal than real
  9. Of or relating to linguistic or logical form as opposed to function or meaning

  1. An evening gown

  2. An occasion on which evening dress is worn

  1. being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress); "pay one's formal respects"; "formal dress"; "a formal ball"; "the requirement was only formal and often ignored"; "a formal education"
  2. ball: a lavish dance requiring formal attire
  3. characteristic of or befitting a person in authority; "formal duties"; "an official banquet"
  4. dinner dress: a gown for evening wear
  5. (of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms; "the paper was written in formal English"
  6. conventional: represented in simplified or symbolic form
  7. Formal Hall or Formal Meal is the traditional meal held at some of the older universities in the United Kingdom at which students dress in formal attire and often gowns to dine. ...
  8. A formality is an established procedure or set of specific behaviors and utterances, conceptually similar to a ritual although typically secular and less involved. ...
  9. formalin; being in accord with established forms; official; relating to the form or structure of something; ceremonial; Organized; well-structured and planned
  10. (formality) The state of being formal; Something said or done as a matter of form; A customary ritual without new or unique meaning
  11. (formally) In a formal manner; In accordance with official procedure; In accordance with rigorous rules
  12. (Formalities) The procedures that must be followed to allow a corporation to run as a separate entity.
  13. (FORMALITY) The conditions which must be observed in making contracts, and the words which the law gives to be used in order to render them valid; it also signifies the conditions which the law requires to make regular proceedings.
  14. (Formality) Rigor at each stage in the development of a system.
  15. (Formality) words used in formal situations. Usually there are also more common words that mean nearly the same thing. For example, 'to controvert' means to argue. It's adjective is more common and less formal: 'controversial'.
  16. (Formally) R(S) is enclosed by R(T) iif (R(S) intersection R(T)) == R(S).
  17. (formis) in the stock of the publisher.
  18. the active or subjective aspect of something-that is, the aspect which is based on the rational activity of the subject. (Cf. material.)
  19. The term Formal is applied to gardens which emphasize straight lines, right angles and circles. It makes most sense in relation to Plato's Theory of Forms and as a contrast with 'informal'.
  20. A photograph of a person or group of people made by mutual agreement, often with controlled lighting and a set-up background.
  21. Expressed in a restricted syntax language with defined semantics based on well-established mathematical concepts.
  22. expressions are usually only used in serious or official language and would not be appropriate in normal everyday conversation. Examples are admonish, besmirch.
  23. uses set formatting and business language, opposite of casual
  24. Or end by which (finis quo) is the actual attainment of the good itself, e.g. beatitude itself in the blessed.
  25. In DocBook, a class of display elements that contain a title and is usually numbered. The class includes figure, table, example, and equation.