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ferry 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ferries, plural;
  1. Convey in a boat, esp. across a short stretch of water
    • - riverboats ferried weekend picnickers to the park
  2. Transport (someone or something) from one place to another
    • - helicopters ferried 4,000 men into the desert
  1. A boat or ship for conveying passengers and goods, esp. over a relatively short distance and as a regular service

  2. A service for conveying passengers or goods in this way

  3. The place from which such a service operates

  4. A similar service using another mode of transportation, esp. aircraft

  1. a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule
  2. transport from one place to another
  3. transport by ferry
  4. travel by ferry
  5. A ferry (or ferryboat) is a form of transportation, usually a boat, but sometimes a ship, used to carry (or ferry) primarily passengers, and sometimes vehicles and cargo as well, across a body of water. Most ferries operate on regular, frequent, return services. ...
  6. Ferenc Kocsur (b? September 2, 1930 in Brunssum), d. 1990) also referred to as Jacques Koczur or Ferry, was a French-Hungarian footballer and manager who represented the France national football team.
  7. A ship used to transport people, smaller vehicles and goods from one port to another, usually on a regular schedule; A place where passengers are transported across water in such a ship; The legal right or franchise that entitles a corporate body or an individual to operate such a service; To ...
  8. (Ferries) Water-based transport systems for passengers and freight. Can be a very refreshing and efficient way to commute and travel. Can include water-taxis, which run on an as-needed basis.
  9. (Ferries) run all over the Philippines, but should you not reserve a first class cabin be prepared for uncomfortable cramped conditions. There seems to be lax enforcement of Western safety standards.
  10. To wait at a ferry for a boat and see the waters swift and muddy, you will be baffled in your highest wishes and designs by unforeseen circumstances. To cross a ferry while the water is calm and clear, you will be very lucky in carrying out your plans, and fortune will crown you.
  11. A scow or flat boat in a fixed location on a river and used to transport, for a fee, people, livestock, and wagons to the opposite side. The ferry was established where a river was too wide and too deep to ford , and if there was enough traffic to justify the venture. ...
  12. A maneuver that allows a paddler to get across the river without losing ground.  To ferry you point one end of the boat upstream at an angle to the current and paddle against it to neutralize it's force.
  13. To move a kayak or other water craft laterally across a current.
  14. A specially constructed vessel to bring passengers and property across rivers and other bodies of water from one shoreline to another, making contact with a thoroughfare at each terminus. The landing place for a boat. ...
  15. To cross a current or river, without moving downstream
  16. A maneuver used to cross a current with little or no downstream travel. Utilizes the current's force to move the boat laterally.
  17. A kind of potage (originally, it was a French leek soup called "poiree").
  18. Angling the boat to move sideways or upstream against a current, a properly executed ferry uses the current to help move the boat sideways. A Hairy Ferry is a ferry with dire consequences if you screw up. A Hairy Fairy is the hirsute guy in the gay bar that keeps leering at you.
  19. transbordador; transportar; llevar
  20. Cross a river or other body of water at an angle that allows the paddler to make it to the opposite (or nearly opposite) bank.