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farsightedness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. presbyopia: a reduced ability to focus on near objects caused by loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens after age 45
  2. hyperopia: abnormal condition in which vision for distant objects is better than for near objects
  3. prevision: seeing ahead; knowing in advance; foreseeing
  4. (farsighted) farseeing: planning prudently for the future; "large goals that required farsighted policies"; "took a long view of the geopolitical issues"
  5. Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, longsightedness or hypermetropia, is a defect of vision caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too short or the lens cannot become round enough), causing difficulty focusing on near objects, and in extreme cases causing a sufferer ...
  6. (farsighted) Being unable to focus with one's eyes on near objects; presbyopic; Being considerate about the future with respect to one's own plans or deeds; showing anticipation
  7. (Far-sighted) The ability to see into the future.
  8. (Farsighted) When a person can see things far away but has difficulty seeing things close up.
  9. (farsighted) perspicaz; sagaz; clarividente; previsor; présbita
  10. Also called hyperopia. To farsighted people, near objects are blurry, but far objects are in focus.
  11. the common term for hyperopia.
  12. A vision condition in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close objects do not come into proper focus.
  13. The common term for hyperopia, a refractive error resulting in inability to see objects at close range. Farsightedness is caused by either a cornea with too little curvature or an eyeball that is too short. ...
  14. a term that is medically known as hyperopia, the ability of a person to see distant objects better and sharper than closer ones.
  15. This is where the eye has a short, flat shape which affects the ability to focus clearly on objects near to. The medical term for this is hypermetropia or hyperopia. It is more commonly known as long sightedness.
  16. A condition where there is difficulty in seeing near objects clearly.
  17. A pathological condition of refraction in which the eyeball is too short for the refractive power of the lens and images come to a focus behind the retina, syn. Hyperopia.
  18. the ability to anticipate possible future events and developments
  19. right, pay attention. Lots of people are not sure whether being “far sighted” means that they can see far away, or they can’t, so let me explain what it’s all about. The technical term for farsightedness is Hyperopia. ...
  20. Farsightedness is caused by a shorter than normal eye or flatter than normal cornea. This causes the light entering the eye to focus behind the retina rather than directly on it. ...
  21. A common term for hyperopia, a vision problem that most commonly results in blurred close vision. Moderate to severe hyperopia may also result in blurred distance vision especially over 40 years of age. The cornea and lens focus light rays behind, rather than directly on, the retina.
  22. Farsightedness is another name for Hyperopia or Hypermetropia. Many Farsighted patients have difficulty seeing things up close, and often have crisp-acute distance vision.
  23. Hyperopia is a visual disorder in which you see better from a distance than up close. Glasses, contact lenses or surgery can correct the problem.
  24. A refractive abnormality of the eye which requires a plus (positive or convex) lens for correction. The term originated because people who are far or distance sighted can see at a distance more clearly than they can see objects being are closer. ...