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expressive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Effectively conveying thought or feeling,
  1. Effectively conveying thought or feeling

  2. Conveying (the specified quality or idea)
    • - the spires are expressive of religious aspiration

  1. characterized by expression; "a very expressive face"
  2. The use of wine tasting descriptors allow the taster an opportunity to put into words the aromas and flavors that they experience and can be used in assessing the overall quality of wine. ...
  3. Expressivity is a term used in genetics that refers to variations of a phenotype in individuals carrying a particular genotype. The term can be used to qualitatively or quantitatively characterize the extent of the phenotype variation given a particular genotype. ...
  4. Effectively conveying thought or feeling
  5. (expressiveness) the ability of a knowledge representation formalism to express the features important for representing a problem domain.
  6. (expressiveness) An expressive graph encodes all relevant information and only that information. [MAC86]
  7. (Expressivity) The degree to which an inherited characteristic is expressed in a person. ‘Variable expressivity’ refers to the variation in expression and severity of particular characteristics of genetic conditions.
  8. (Expressivity) Type and extent of the phenotype of a defined gene (cf. also penetrance).
  9. (expressivity) variation in allelic expression when the allele is penetrant. Not all traits are expressed 100% of the time even though the allele is present. For example the dominant allele P produces polydactyly in humans, a trait that is characterized by extra toes and/or fingers. ...
  10. Expressivity is the range of variation that is seen in a trait (the phenotype); it refers to the degree of expression of a given trait or combination of traits that is associated with a gene. ...
  11. The speaker simply expresses the sincerity condition of the illocutionary act: “I'm glad it's raining!”
  12. Displaying its aromas and flavors. Similar to "open"; the opposite of "closed" or "dumb."
  13. communication refers to how an individual uses symbolic language, whether through speech, sign, writing, or any other modality.
  14. Communication - The ability to communicate wants and needs; the ability to make oneself understood.
  15. "These genes are dominant," said Tom expressively.
  16. A wine that expresses true varietal character and "terroir".
  17. Also known as scribble talk. The baby makes long strings of babbled jargon sounds which sound like normal conversation. Most adults do it after a few drinks!!!
  18. one of four social styles (with Amiable, Analytical and Expressive) commonly used to classify salespeople and their customers; Expressives are characterised by high assertiveness and high responsiveness.
  19. focuses on the author; the purpose of literary criticism is to read the work in terms of the author’s imagination, and the author’s imagination is sometimes represented as a lamp , to contrast with the mirror of the mimetic tradition; literature reflects the human imagination, and the romantic ...
  20. expressing or full of strong emotion
  21. A wine with clearly projected aromas and flavors.