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exponent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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exponents, plural;
  1. A person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory
    • - an early exponent of the teachings of Thomas Aquinas
  2. A person who has and demonstrates a particular skill, esp. to a high standard
    • - he's the world's leading exponent of country rock guitar
  3. A quantity representing the power to which a given number or expression is to be raised, usually expressed as a raised symbol beside the number or expression (e.g., 3 in 23 = 2 × 2 × 2)

  4. A linguistic unit that realizes another, more abstract unit

  1. advocate: a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
  2. someone who expounds and interprets or explains
  3. a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
  4. just as multiplication by a positive integer corresponds to repeated addition: The exponent is usually shown as a superscript to the right of the base. ...
  5. Exponent is an engineering and science consulting firm with 19 offices in the United States and 4 offices overseas. It trades on NASDAQ under the symbol EXPO. Until 1998, it was known as Failure Analysis Associates and its holding company, The Failure Group, Inc., was traded as the symbol FAIL. ...
  6. In group theory, a periodic group or a torsion group is a group in which each element has finite order. All finite groups are periodic. The concept of a periodic group should not be confused with that of a cyclic group, although all finite cyclic groups are periodic.
  7. An exponent is a phonological manifestation of a morphosyntactic property. In non-technical language, it is the expression of one or more grammatical properties by sound. There are several kinds of exponents: *identity *affixation *reduplication *internal modification
  8. The Purdue Exponent is one of a handful of daily independent student newspapers, with most other college newspapers being owned by the university or operated by the journalism school. The college newspaper serves Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. ...
  9. (The Exponents) The Exponents are a New Zealand rock group. They formed in 1981 as the Dance Exponents, after vocalist Jordan Luck and guitarist Brian Jones disbanded their first group, Basement, and relocated from the South Canterbury town of Timaru to Christchurch. ...
  10. One who expounds, represents or advocates; The power to which a number, symbol or expression is to be raised. As in the in
  11. (Exponents) short-hand notation for writing very large or very small numbers ^[3]
  12. A number indicating the power to which another number is to be raised; that is, the number of times that number is to be multiplied together. It is normally written as a superscript, for example x² = (x)(x), the product of 2 x's. ...
  13. is the union of the Latin roots exo(out of) + ponere (place). The literal interpretation is to make something visible or obvious. The English word expound from the same source means to make clear. An exponent is also used in English to describe a person who explains or interprets. ...
  14. That little number that appears as a superscript next to another number or function. Also called the power. If you are divorced, this is not what people are referring to when they say, ``How's your `ex' "?
  15. A number that represents the power. How many times you multiply a number by itself. An exponent may be any real number. Example: For 2^15, 15 is the exponent, 2 is the base, and 2^15 is a power of 2.
  16. A mathematical index or power to which a number or base is raised. Common bases are 2, 10, and e.
  17. The integer that shows you how many times to multiply the number by itself. For instance, 4^2 = 4 x 4 = 16.
  18. A number that indicates the operation of repeated multiplication.
  19. An expression of the number of times that a base is used as a factor.
  20. x in the expression a^x. This number tells how many times the base appears as a factor.
  21. the little number to the top right of a constant or variable, squared, cubed, 4^th power, etc.
  22. a numeral used to indicate the power of a number.
  23. the part of a floating-point number that specifies a power of the number base by which the mantissa is multiplied.