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exempt 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others,
  1. Free from an obligation or liability imposed on others
    • - these patients are exempt from all charges
    • - they are not exempt from criticism
  1. Free (a person or organization) from an obligation or liability imposed on others
    • - they were exempted from paying the tax
  1. A person who is exempt from something, esp. the payment of tax

  1. grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to; "She exempted me from the exam"
  2. (of persons) freed from or not subject to an obligation or liability (as e.g. taxes) to which others or other things are subject; "a beauty somehow exempt from the aging process"; "exempt from jury duty"; "only the very poorest citizens should be exempt from income taxes"
  3. excuse: grant exemption or release to; "Please excuse me from this class"
  4. nontaxable: (of goods or funds) not subject to taxation; "the funds of nonprofit organizations are nontaxable"; "income exempt from taxation"
  5. (exemption) immunity from an obligation or duty
  6. (exemption) a deduction allowed to a taxpayer because of his status (having certain dependents or being blind or being over 65 etc.); "additional exemptions are allowed for each dependent"
  7. (Exemption (church)) In the Roman Catholic Church, exemption is the whole or partial release of an ecclesiastical person, corporation, or institution from the authority of the ecclesiastical superior next higher in rank.
  8. One who has been released from something; To grant (someone) freedom or immunity from; Free from a duty or obligation; Not entitled to overtime pay when working overtime
  9. (exemption) An act of exempting; The state of being exempt; immunity; A deduction from the normal amount of taxes; Freedom from a defect or weakness
  10. (Exempted) has the meaning given in 40 CFR 1068.30.
  11. (exempted) Nomenclature and marking indicating information was determined to fall within an enumerated exemption from automatic declassification under Executive Order 12958, as amended. [DSS]
  12. (exempted) freed; not responsible.
  13. (Exemption) Amount of a taxpayer's income that is not subject to tax. All individuals, trusts, and estates qualify for an exemption unless they are claimed as a dependent on another individual's tax return. Exemptions also are granted to taxpayers for their dependents.
  14. (Exemption) means a document issued under the authority of 49 U.S.C. 5117 by the Associate Administrator that authorizes a person to perform a function that is not otherwise authorized under this subchapter, subchapter C, or other regulations issued under 49 U.S.C. 5101-5127 (e.g. ...
  15. (Exemption) A type of deduction allowed by law to reduce the amount of income that would otherwise be taxed. An exemption is based on a status or circumstance rather than economic standing.
  16. (Exemption) The condition of EPA permission, for a water system, not to meet a certain drinking water standard.
  17. (Exemption) A reduction to the assessed value of property, the most common being homestead exemption. Read more about exemptions.
  18. An exemption is a deduction from the taxable assessed value of property as prescribed by law, generally based on the property's use.
  19. An exemption refers to the formal approval for a programme or module to include elements that are outside Regulations. Applications for exemptions are considered by the Academic Policy and Regulations Committee.
  20. An exemption is recognition that you have completed a similar unit of study or content at another institution. If you are given an exemption, you will be able to receive credit for the corresponding unit at Macquarie University. ...
  21. ("7(K)" Exemption) Section 207(a) of the FLSA requires employers to pay their employees overtime compensation for all hours worked over 40 hours per week. ...
  22. (Exemption) A course requirement that is fulfilled by passing an exam in the subject.
  23. (Exemption) A privilege allowed by law to a judgment debtor that he or she may hold certain property from all liability to being seized or sold on execution or by any other court order.
  24. (Exemption) A release from payment of fees for specific population groups or disease or drug types, employed in many revolving drug fund schemes to promote access to services.
  25. (Exemption) A ruling over certain assets of a debtor that says they are not subject to repossession or liquidation in a bankruptcy case, for example, a car that is necessary for the debtor to get to a place of employment.