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excessive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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More than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate,
  1. More than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate
    • - he was drinking excessive amounts of brandy

  1. beyond normal limits; "excessive charges"; "a book of inordinate length"; "his dress stops just short of undue elegance"; "unreasonable demands"
  2. unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings; "extravagant praise"; "exuberant compliments"; "overweening ambition"; "overweening greed"
  3. (excessively) to a degree exceeding normal or proper limits; "too big"
  4. (excessiveness) excess: immoderation as a consequence of going beyond sufficient or permitted limits
  5. Exceeding the usual bounds of something; extravagant; immoderate