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exceptional 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Unusual; not typical,
  1. Unusual; not typical
    • - crimes of exceptional callousness and cruelty
  2. Unusually good; outstanding
    • - a pepper offering exceptional flavor and juiciness
  3. (of a child) Mentally or physically disabled so as to require special schooling
    • - helping parents of exceptional children

  1. exceeding: far beyond what is usual in magnitude or degree; "a night of exceeding darkness"; "an exceptional memory"; "olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy"; "the young Mozart's prodigious talents"
  2. especial(a): surpassing what is common or usual or expected; "he paid especial attention to her"; "exceptional kindness"; "a matter of particular and unusual importance"; "a special occasion"; "a special reason to confide in her"; "what's so special about the year 2000?"
  3. exceptional(a): deviating widely from a norm of physical or mental ability; used especially of children below normal in intelligence; "special educational provisions for exceptional children"
  4. (exceptionally) to an exceptional degree; "it worked exceptionally well"
  5. Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; Better than the average; superior due to rarity
  6. (as a definition of quality): see excellence
  7. Individuals who are gifted and learning disabled, also called Gifted / LD or dually identified. See Twice Exceptional
  8. Oxford Dictionary – forming an exception.  Unusual.
  9. A legal designation given to a student by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee. "Pupils who are exceptional are entitled to special education programs and services suited to those needs" (Special Education Information Handbook 1984, Ministry of Education, p.1). ...
  10. Refers to those persons evaluated and found to be either mentally gifted or in need of Special Education services.
  12. An accounting term used to describe large, usually one-off, costs or windfalls attributed to a company during a given reporting period. These items can have a dramatic effect on the overall profit or loss of a company.