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exactly 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Without discrepancy (used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description),
  1. Without discrepancy (used to emphasize the accuracy of a figure or description)
    • - they met in 1989 and got married exactly two years later
    • - fold the second strip of paper in exactly the same way
  2. In exact terms; without vagueness
    • - what exactly are you looking for?
  3. Used as a reply to confirm or agree with what has just been said
    • - “You mean that you're going to tell me the truth?” “Exactly.”

  1. precisely: indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"
  2. without approximation; precisely; Used to provide emphasis; Signifies agreement or recognition
  3. Term used by Al when he's losing an argument or 'discussion'. A man's way of letting you know he's defeated without losing face. Not to be mistaken for an indication that he agrees with what you're saying, or indeed, is even listening. [Contributed by: ] [add a comment]
  4. adverb. In a way that conforms to a fact or condition; precisely, entirely.
  5. davidhilton 1 year ago
  6. would find “be”—the only definition that matches the sequence “be” exactly.