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euro, plural; euros, plural;
  1. The common wallaroo (see wallaroo)

  1. the basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in 1999); in 2002 twelve European nations (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Austria, Finland) adopted the euro as their basic unit of money and abandoned their ...
  2. (Euros (moth)) Euros is a genus of moths of the Noctuidae family.
  3. (Euros (named wind)) In Greek mythology, the Anemoi (in Greek, Ἄνεμοι -- "winds") were wind gods who were each ascribed a cardinal direction, from which their respective winds came, and were each associated with various seasons and weather conditions. ...
  4. Alternative spelling of euro, the currency and coin introduced 1996
  5. (Euros) The European Universities Debating Championship (EUDC). Held annually during the summer.
  6. (Euros) The unit in which premium is set by the EU.
  7. Prints euro € symbol. Requires eurosym package.
  8. The common currency adopted by eleven European nations(Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal) on January 1, 1999.
  9. introduced to 11 EU member states in January 1999 with notes and coin entering circulation in January 2002.
  10. The name of the common currency. The name was chosen by European Commission experts from about 30 suggestions. Its symbol (a Greek epsilon struck through with double horizontal lines that is meant to symbolize stability) could become as recognizable as the dollar sign.
  11. The official name of the single currency (operational from 1/1/99)
  12. that paper that took away your printing presses
  13. Okay, I admit, I have never ridden a bike in Europe before, but I have a stereotype of a European racer in my head. That stereotype is of someone sporting one of those short billed goofy cycling hats. Extra points are awarded if fancy European cycling companies are advertised on said goofy hat.
  14. Term used to describe Volkswagen options that were unique features used only in the European market. ...
  15. Describes a non citizen resident (only on Spontoon Island!) or a visitor/tourist.
  16. An abbreviation for either "Eurodollars", "Eurobucks" or "European Currency Units". 2) Of or relating to anything European or of European origin.
  17. Currency of Europe. (Also Check “Fiber”).
  18. Common currency in most of Europe (except Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and England).
  19. The common European currency adopted by 11 nations from January 1 2002. Quickly established as second only to the US dollar as a currency of choice for international investors.
  20. The name for the composite monetary unit that has replaced national currencies in several European countries. It was introduced in January 1999 and went into general circulation in January 2002.
  21. The currency of the European Monetary Union (EMU). Germany Deutsche Marks, Italy Lira, Austria Schillings, France Franc, Belgium Francs, Netherlands (Dutch) Guilders, Finland Markka, Portugal Escudo, Greece Drachmas, Ireland Punt, Luxembourg Francs, Spanish Pesetas.
  22. The € symbol represents the currency used across many of the countries of the EU. Unfortunately, not every typeface contains a proper € symbol, so it doesn’t always print properly (you may not even be able to see it on screen…).
  23. Legal currency in EU countries participating in EMU. Euro notes and coins were first issued in January 2002.
  24. is now the official monetary unit of 11 member nations of the European Union. Having a common monetary unit is expected to make trade more efficient, make price comparisons easier, and stabilize interest rates overall. ...
  25. The name of the unified currency adopted by the European Union. The currency was launched on January 1, 1999 and the exchanges rates among the member countries were frozen irrevocably after that date. The new currency went into circulation from January 1, 2002.