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ethics 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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ethics, plural;
  1. Moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior
    • - Judeo-Christian ethics
  2. The moral correctness of specified conduct
    • - the ethics of euthanasia
  3. The branch of knowledge that deals with moral principles

  1. ethical motive: motivation based on ideas of right and wrong
  2. the philosophical study of moral values and rules
  3. (ethical) of or relating to the philosophical study of ethics; "ethical codes"; "ethical theories"
  4. adhering to ethical and moral principles; "it seems ethical and right"; "followed the only honorable course of action"
  5. (ethicism) a doctrine that ethics and ethical ideas are valid and important; "his ethicism often led him to moralize"
  6. Ethics (also known as moral philosophy) is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality — that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, justice, virtue, etc.
  7. Ethics is a philosophical book written by Baruch Spinoza. It was written in Latin. Although it was published posthumously in 1677, it is his most famous work, and is considered his magnum opus.
  8. Ethics is an academic journal founded in 1890 and published by the University of Chicago Press. The journal publishes scholarly work in moral, political, and legal philosophy from a variety of intellectual perspectives, including social and political theory, law, and economics. ...
  9. According to the Church of Scientology, "Ethics may be defined as the actions an individual takes on himself to ensure his continued survival across the dynamics. It is a personal thing. When one is ethical, it is something he does himself by his own choice."
  10. The study of principles relating to right and wrong conduct; Morality; The standards that govern the conduct of a person, especially a member of a profession
  11. An ethical drug; Of or relating to the study of ethics; Of or relating to the accepted principles of right and wrong, especially those of some organization or profession; Morally approvable; good; Only dispensed on the prescription of a physician
  12. (ethicism) The application of ethics; The use of ethics to create competitive advantage in business
  13. (Ethical) Corporate legalese insinuating no wrongdoing in the exploitation of Third World resources.
  14. (Ethical) Method of constitutional interpretation based on perceived moral commitments and principals inherent in the Constitution.
  15. (Ethical) When a trial is in accordance with the rules/standards for right conduct or practice.
  16. (ethical) Pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct.
  17. (ethical) expressing moral approval or disapproval
  18. Rules of behavior made and accepted by business to provide fair and moral practice.
  19. the study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by the individual in his relationship with others. Ethics is a personal thing. It is the actions the person takes on himself. See also morals.
  20. The study of human values and moral conduct. See also Normative Ethics and Metaethics.
  21. Ethics (sometimes known as moral philosophy) asks includes the following sorts of questions: How should we live?, What is right and what is wrong?, What do we mean by the word right and the word good?, How can we measure goodness and badness? ...
  22. The process of determining right and wrong conduct.
  23. the science of morals in human conduct. Source: Oxford Dictionary
  24. Of or relating to moral action and conduct; professionally right; conforming to professional standards.
  25. Inconvenient aphorisms which tout such banalities as Aristotle’s Golden Mean, or presume to constrain the actions of the Lords of the Jungle who naturally rule as the Powers That Be in their pursuit of weaker beings, defined as those who lack the predatory nature essential to function ...