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equilibrium 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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equilibria, plural;
  1. A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced
    • - the maintenance of social equilibrium
  2. A state of physical balance
    • - I stumbled over a rock and recovered my equilibrium
  3. A calm state of mind
    • - his intensity could unsettle his equilibrium
  4. A state in which a process and its reverse are occurring at equal rates so that no overall change is taking place
    • - ice is in equilibrium with water
  5. A situation in which supply and demand are matched and prices stable

  1. a stable situation in which forces cancel one another
  2. chemical equilibrium: a chemical reaction and its reverse proceed at equal rates
  3. balance: equality of distribution
  4. a sensory system located in structures of the inner ear that registers the orientation of the head
  5. Equilibrioception or sense of balance is one of the physiological senses. It helps prevent humans and animals from falling over when walking or standing still.
  6. Equilibrium is a folk metal band from Germany. The band's music combines elements of folk and symphonic metal with various instruments including electric guitars, strings and flutes. Their riffs reflect traditional Germanic melodies.
  7. "Equilibrium" is the sixth studio album released by Crowbar on 7 March 2000.
  8. Equilibrium is the second album of the Canadian guitarist Erik Mongrain.
  9. Equilibrium is a 2002 American science fiction/action film written and directed by Kurt Wimmer. It stars Christian Bale as John Preston, a high-ranking enforcement officer in a future dystopia in which all forms of emotional expression are illegal, and citizens are forced to take daily ...
  10. Equilibrium, also known as "Equi-librium" is an interlocking puzzle in the shape of a sphere. Copyrighted in 1974 by Reiss Games, Inc., it consists of 6 closed arch pieces, 5 of which have pegs on their straight center. ...
  11. The condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced, resulting in no net change; The state of a body at rest or in uniform motion in which the resultant of all forces on it is zero; The state of a reaction in which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are the same; ...
  12. a condition of relative balance in which the forces of lift and gravity are equal.
  13. The state in which the action of multiple forces produces a steady balance or seeming lack of change; may be due to a true stop in action or due to continuing actions which neutralize each other resulting in no net change.
  14. A situation in which the quantities demanded and supplied in a market are equal. Equilibrium exists when forces that cause changes in the market are in balance so that there is no tendency for the market price to change.
  15. A condition of balance between forces, or competing processes, such as emission and absorption of radiation.
  16. Price level/range that seems to represent a balance between demand and supply for a given currency pair.
  17. describes the average condition of a system, as measured through one of its elements or attributes, over a specific period of time. For the purposes of this online textbook, there are six types of equilibrium:
  18. A state of a system that, if not subjected to perturbation, will remain unchanged.
  19. A situation in which the plans of buyers and sellers exactly coincide so that there is neither excess supply nor excess demand.  Equilibrium is the point where conflicting interests are balanced. ...
  20. When a reaction and its reverse occur at equal rates, they effectively cancel one another, so there is no net change.
  21. A state of rest defined by Newton's second law.
  22. In geology, a balance between form and process. For example the resistance of rocks along a coast and the erosional force of waves.
  23. A challenging yet essential term to define in thermodymamics. Generally refers to a state of a system that does not change with time; in particular all the state variables remain constant. ...
  24. A state or condition where opposing forces or offsetting influences are exactly equal and thus in balance, i.e., a state of rest or inaction. Equilibrium can exist only so long as there are no new data, forces or influences capable of changing or disturbing existing conditions. ...
  25. A system is said to be at equilibrium (with respect to some set of feasible transformations) if it has minimal free energy. A system containing objects at different temperatures is in disequilibrium, because heat flow can reduce the free energy. ...