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entrench 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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intrenching, present participle; entrenches, 3rd person singular present; entrenched, past tense; entrenching, present participle; intrenched, past tense; intrenches, 3rd person singular present; intrenched, past participle; entrenched, past participle;
  1. Establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely
    • - ageism is entrenched in our society
  2. Establish (a person or their authority) in a position of great strength or security
    • - by 1947 de Gaulle's political opponents were firmly entrenched in power
  3. Apply extra legal safeguards to (a right, esp. a constitutional right, guaranteed by legislation)

  4. Establish (a military force, camp, etc.) in trenches or other fortified positions

  5. Encroach or trespass upon

  1. fix firmly or securely
  2. impinge: impinge or infringe upon; "This impinges on my rights as an individual"; "This matter entrenches on other domains"
  3. occupy a trench or secured area; "The troops dug in for the night"
  4. (entrenchment) an entrenched fortification; a position protected by trenches
  5. A trench is a type of excavation or depression in the ground. Trenches are generally defined by being deeper than they are wide (as opposed to a wider gully or ditch), and by being narrow compared to their length (as opposed to a simple hole). ...
  6. (Entrenchment (management)) Entrenchment Management is referred to as a hypothesis for anti-takeover in the Corporate Business. ...
  7. To dig or excavate a trench; to trench; To surround or provide with a trench, especially for defense; to dig in; To establish a substantial position in business, politics, etc
  8. (Entrenched) Rights or entitlements which cannot be removed or amended except by a special procedure. In Australia, the Constitution which is entrenched can only be changed by a referendum, that is a reference of the proposal to the electorate for acceptance or rejection.
  9. (Entrenched) Something well establish. Not for changes.
  10. (Entrenched) To be fixed or deeply rooted in an area.
  11. (Entrenched) a legislative requirement which previously may only have been required by contract or policy.
  12. (Entrenched) ideas are ideas that you are unable to abandon even when they fail to survive rational criticism in your mind.
  13. (entrenched) When referring to a stream, a stream deeply cut into its valley.
  14. (entrenched) the river has cut deeply down into the surface of the land.
  15. (Entrenchment) the degree in which the malware is embedded in the system and the difficulty in removing the infection. Infections that are known and have "fixes" available are considered 'lightly entrenched' while other malware such as rootkits are considered 'heavily entrenched'.