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enrolling 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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enrols, 3rd person singular present; enrolls, 3rd person singular present; enrolled, past participle; enrolled, past tense; enrolling, present participle;
  1. Officially register as a member of an institution or a student on a course
    • - he enrolled in drama school
  2. Register (someone) as a member or student
    • - the school enrolls approximately 1,000 students
  3. Recruit (someone) to perform a service
    • - a campaign to enroll more foster carers
  4. Enter (a deed or other document) among the rolls of a court of justice

  5. Write the name of (someone) on a list or register

  1. (enroll) register formally as a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"
  2. (enrollment) registration: the act of enrolling
  3. (enrol) Alternative spelling of enroll
  4. (enroll) To enter (a name) in a register, roll or list; To enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of; To enlist oneself (in something) or become a member (of something)
  5. (Enrol) Is the action of signing up, or applying for Government services.
  6. (verb) To enrol means to join a course. In American English it is spelt enroll. The noun form is enrolment (enrollment US)
  7. Enrol is the term used for signing up for the courses you will take in a particular year or term. At York, the only way to enrol in courses is through the Internet.
  8. You enrol in core and/or elective/option topics. Enrolment in topics will result in student contribution amounts or tuition fees being charged to your Fee Account.
  9. (Enroll) To join a health plan.
  10. (ENROLL) To prepare a measure that has passed both houses for the appropriate signatures.
  11. (ENROLL) To sign and submit an Independent Business Associate Application and Agreement form to Synterra Health for the purpose of becoming an Independent Business Associate for the Company.
  12. (Enroll) Once a bill has passed both houses, its amendments, corrections, and changes are consolidated into one text to be presented to the governor for signature.
  13. (Enroll) Students who were admitted to an institution and subsequently enrolled (note that some institutions have an open admission policy).
  14. (Enroll) The point at which a study participant is assigned to a study treatment in a clinical trial.
  15. (Enroll) To become a student at a university by registering for courses and paying tuition and fees. See Registration, Matriculate.
  16. (Enroll) To become covered for benefits under a group health or other plan (that is, when coverage becomes effective) without regard to when the individual may have completed or filed any forms that are required in order to enroll in the plan.
  17. (Enroll) To register or enter a school or course as a participant.
  18. (Enroll) verb to align one’s reason and motive power for an action or a course of action to produce a particular result.  I’m enrolled in that idea, meaning I’m “on board” to do that. This is distinguished from “liking” an idea.
  19. (Enrolled) A bill is an enrolled bill if it was amended in the opposite chamber.
  20. (Enrolled) A status indicating a Medicaid provider or payee has gone through the process of submitting paperwork to the Provider Participation Unit and been reviewed and approved.
  21. (Enrolled) Student is registered at BVC and attending classes
  22. (Enrolled) The learner has completed the intake process, has a goal entered, and has completed a pre-test for entry into the program. The learner may or may not have 12 or more instructional hours.
  23. (Enrolled) The status of a student who has met either of the following requirements: Completed the registration requirements (except for the payment of tuition and fees) at the school the student is attending. ...
  24. (Enrolled) These are students who have scheduled classes and/or are currently taking courses.
  25. (Enrolled) you have been recorded as registered with a university or college.