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distinguish 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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distinguishes, 3rd person singular present; distinguishing, present participle; distinguished, past tense; distinguished, past participle;
  1. Recognize or treat (someone or something) as different
    • - the child is perfectly capable of distinguishing reality from fantasy
  2. Perceive or point out a difference
    • - bees are unable to distinguish between red, black, and various grays
  3. Manage to discern (something barely perceptible)
    • - it was too dark to distinguish anything more than their vague shapes
  4. Be an identifying or characteristic mark or property of
    • - what distinguishes sports from games?
  5. Make oneself prominent and worthy of respect through one's behavior or achievements
    • - many distinguished themselves in the fight

  1. mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"
  2. spot: detect with the senses; "The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards"; "I can't make out the faces in this photograph"
  3. be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers"
  4. signalize: make conspicuous or noteworthy
  5. identify: identify as in botany or biology, for example
  6. (distinguished) (used of persons) standing above others in character or attainment or reputation; "our distinguished professor"
  7. (distinguished) used of a person's appearance or behavior; befitting an eminent person; "his distinguished bearing"; "the monarch's imposing presence"; "she reigned in magisterial beauty"
  8. In law, to distinguish a case means to contrast the facts of the case before the court from the facts of a case of precedent where there is an apparent similarity. By successfully distinguishing a case, the holding or legal reasoning of the earlier case will either not apply or will be limited.
  9. To see someone or something as different from others; To see someone or something clearly or distinctly; To make one's self noticeably different or better from others through accomplishments
  10. (distinguished) celebrated, well-known or eminent because of past achievements; prestigious; Having a dignified appearance or demeanor; Specified, noted
  11. (distinguishness) The state or quality of being distinguishable
  12. (Distinguished) Characterised by excellent quality.
  13. (Distinguished) Fine, with distinctive character, elegance and refinement.
  14. (Distinguished) Sena Medal (Army) · Naosena Medal (Navy) · Vayusena Medal (Air Force) · Vishisht Seva Medal
  15. (Distinguished) The best of all the superior wines.
  16. (distinguished) illustrious, venerable, renowned, honored, celebrated, esteemed, remarkable, outstanding, great, extraordinary
  17. (distinguishing) başka, diğer, öteki, öbür "other";
  18. Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between
  19. Give the differences between two or more different items.
  20. To identify under conditions when only two contrasting identifications are involved for each response.
  21. An argument that the tribunal need not follow a previously decided case because it is different in some material respect from the case before them is referred to as distinguishing the earlier case: see paragraph 1.35.
  22. To set apart as being separate or different; to point out an essential disparity.
  23. To call attention to differences.
  24. (v) ayırırģa, ayırtlarģa