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discourse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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discourses, plural;
  1. Speak or write authoritatively about a topic
    • - she could discourse at great length on the history of Europe
  2. Engage in conversation
    • - he spent an hour discoursing with his supporters in the courtroom
  1. Written or spoken communication or debate
    • - the language of political discourse
    • - an imagined discourse between two people traveling in France
  2. A formal discussion of a topic in speech or writing
    • - a discourse on critical theory
  3. A connected series of utterances; a text or conversation

  1. extended verbal expression in speech or writing
  2. to consider or examine in speech or writing; "The author talks about the different aspects of this question"; "The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'"
  3. converse: carry on a conversation
  4. sermon: an address of a religious nature (usually delivered during a church service)
  5. discussion: an extended communication (often interactive) dealing with some particular topic; "the book contains an excellent discussion of modal logic"; "his treatment of the race question is badly biased"
  6. hold forth: talk at length and formally about a topic; "The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England"
  7. Discourse (L. discursus, "running to and from") generally refers to "written or spoken communication or debate" The following are three more specific definitions: (1) In semantics and discourse analysis: A generalization of the concept of conversation to all modalities and contexts.
  8. (Discourses (Meher Baba)) Discourses (ISBN 1-880619-09-1) is a book by Meher Baba that has received seven editions since 1939 and is still in print. Besides God Speaks it is considered the second most important of Meher Baba's books by followers of Meher Baba.
  9. (Discourses) Referring to the ways in which language is inscribed within the world to the extent that we can never get ‘beyond’ language and perceive or understand the world without reference to naming, signification and description. ...
  10. (Discourses) The frameworks of thinking in a particular area of social life. For instance, the discourse of criminality means how people in a given society think and talk about crime.
  11. (discourses) Sets of meanings that are indicated by various texts which form a way of understanding the world. See deconstruction.
  12. A unit of language greater than a sentence.
  13. Michel Foucault saw a discourse as a system of ideas or knowledge, inscribed in a specific vocabulary (e.g. psychoanalysis, anthropology, cultural/literary studies):- large groups of statements. ...
  14. [Wren McMains] Programming and simulation language based on a geographical data base that was originally designed as a tool to allow City Planners to express their thought process algorithmically. ...
  15. any naturally occurring stretch of language, spoken or written
  16. written or spoken language, especially when it is studied in order to understand how people use language
  17. extended speech, the code of language used to express personal thought.
  18. A conversation, exchange of words, or dialogue, usually incorporating a wide range of views and opinions.
  19. To communicate thoughts through the use of words often through speech or writing.
  20. discourse analysis / discourse structure / discourse community / discourse communities
  21. is the use of living language, as in conversation. Some of the more subtle aspects of grammar cannot be understood by looking just at sentences, but only by looking at how those sentences are used in the larger context of discourse. ...
  22. Discourse factors are factors relating to the extrasentential setting in which an expression occurs (where extrasentential means 'outside the immediate sentence containing the relevant expression'). ...
  23. at its most general discourse refers to 'talk', the ways in which people account for their experience. Discourse analysis is an interdisciplinary perspective of relatively recent origin (from about the 1960s) but having its roots in the ancient studies of rhetoric. ...
  24. A way of speaking or writing in which those speaking or writing adopt a particular attitude about society or culture.
  25. The word is derived from the Latin verb “discurrere” which means “to run about.” Thus, the extension to linguistic productions is metaphoric: the sentences in a conversation or a written document will “run about” the subject, touching on its various aspects. ...