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dining 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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dined, past participle; dined, past tense; dining, present participle; dines, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Eat dinner
    • - we dined at a restaurant
    • - a dining area
  2. Eat dinner in a restaurant or the home of friends

  3. Eat (something) for dinner

  4. Regularly entertain friends with (a humorous story or interesting piece of information)
    • - it should have been one of those stories one dines out on afterward
  5. Take (someone) to dinner
    • - I'll dine you soon

  1. the act of eating dinner
  2. (dine) have supper; eat dinner; "We often dine with friends in this restaurant"
  3. (dine) give dinner to; host for dinner; "I'm wining and dining my friends"
  4. Eating is the ingestion of food to provide for all humans and animals nutritional needs, particularly for energy and growth. Animals and other heterotrophs must eat in order to survive: carnivores eat other animals, herbivores eat plants, and omnivores consume a mixture of both. ...
  5. (Diné) The Navajo, or Diné, of the Southwestern United States are the second largest Native American tribe of Northern America. In the 2000 U.S. census, 298,197 people claimed to be fully or partly of Navajo ancestry. ...
  6. (Dine (magazine)) Dine is a magazine published quarterly by Superfluous Media LLC.
  7. (dine) to eat; to eat dinner or supper
  8. (Diné) (dee-nay) ”The People“, the proper name for the people known as the Navajo.
  9. Dine is French for dinner, a time of rest for the hardworking Dakar Rally competitors, when friends can gather together over plates piled high with delicious food and discuss the day's events over a glass of wine. ...
  10. (Diners) A popular matchcover category that shows or advertises a diner by name. (i.e., Fred's Diner, Miss America Diner, etc.). Full length matchcovers are popular in this category. (See Full Length).
  11. (Diners) A prefabricated restaurant building characteristic of North America, especially on Long Island; in New York City; in New Jersey, and other areas of the Northeastern United States, although examples can be found throughout the US and in Canada. ...
  12. (diners) Diner's Club transactions
  13. refers to the act of eating dinner. One of the joys of vacations is the opportunity to experience a variety of foods. Some hotels offer rich and unique dining opportunities.
  14. Dinning Rooms Pictures