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diffuse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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diffuses, 3rd person singular present; diffused, past participle; diffusing, present participle; diffused, past tense;
  1. Spread out over a large area; not concentrated
    • - the diffuse community centered on the church
    • - the light is more diffuse
  2. (of disease) Not localized in the body
    • - diffuse hyperplasia
  3. Lacking clarity or conciseness
    • - the second argument is more diffuse
  1. Spread or cause to spread over a wide area or among a large number of people
    • - technologies diffuse rapidly
    • - the problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy
  2. Become or cause (a fluid, gas, individual atom, etc.) to become intermingled with a substance by movement, typically in a specified direction or at specified speed
    • - oxygen molecules diffuse across the membrane
    • - gas is diffused into the bladder
  3. Cause (light) to glow faintly by dispersing it in many directions

  1. spread out; not concentrated in one place; "a large diffuse organization"
  2. move outward; "The soldiers fanned out"
  3. permeate: spread or diffuse through; "An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration"; "music penetrated the entire building"; "His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks"
  4. soft: (of light) transmitted from a broad light source or reflected
  5. circulate: cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"
  6. lacking conciseness; "a diffuse historical novel"
  7. To spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means; To be spread over or through as in air, water, or other matter, especially by fluid motion or passive means; Everywhere or throughout everything; not focused or concentrated
  8. Lacking a distinct border, spread out, not localized.
  9. Wines that smell and taste unstructured and unfocused are said to be diffuse. When red wines are served at too warm a temperature they often become diffuse.
  10. Term describing dispersed light distribution. Refers to the scattering or softening of light.
  11. Light that is evenly reflected from an object's surface, visible regardless of the angle from which it is viewed. Diffuse is associated with matte objects.
  12. Taken literally, diffuse means to spread widely. Within a 3D realm, its often used to describe scenarios where light hits a surface and is scattered evenly in all directions. ...
  13. Widely spread; not localized or confined.
  14. one of the value dimensions proposed by Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner (1997) reflecting one's preference for "how far we get involved". ...
  15. The type of reflection/transmission from many powders (e.g., phosphors, MgO2 or BaSO4), or matte surfaces and transmitting materials such as ground quartz, flashed opal glass or Teflon® (PTFE). Flat white paint is an example of a nearly Lambertian, diffuse coating. ...
  16. Spread about and not limited to a small area.
  17. An adjective that can be used to describe an infiltrative nature of a tumor as opposed to focal tumors which are more confined or circumscribed. Diffuse tumors are usually a higher histologic grade (3 or 4) but can be low grade. ...
  18. (adj) - spread out, wide-ranging; using too many words
  19. light which is indirect, and has no reflections or highlights, similar to ambient
  20. widely spread, as in diffuse cerebral impairment, which means that many areas on both sides of the brain are affected, not a localized problem.
  21. Scattered, widespread, not limited to one tissue or spot, disperse
  22. in POV-Ray, an attribute that controls how much of an object's color comess from direct light. (Language Reference) (Exploration Tool)
  23. Of running bamboo, having evenly spaced culms rather distant from each other.
  24. Scattering light in all directions, as occurs in Lambertian reflection, which is the ideal diffuse case. Diffuse transmission means that light is scattered equally in all transmitted directions, that is, in all directions on the opposite side of the surface.
  25. The spreading or dispersing of sound, allowing it to localize and fill an entire listening area.