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diarrhoea 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. diarrhea: frequent and watery bowel movements; can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor
  2. (diarrhoeal) diarrheal: of or relating to diarrhea
  3. Diarrhea (from the Greek, διὰρροια meaning "flowing through"), also spelled diarrhoea, is the condition of having three or more loose or liquid bowel movements per day. It is a common cause of death in developing countries and the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide. ...
  4. Alternative spelling of diarrhea
  5. (Diarrhoeal) disease is another major health problem among under-five children in Nepal. Improvement of diarrhoea case management is used as a primary strategy for the reduction of mortality among children under five. ...
  6. (diarrhoeal) Substances that can produce diarrhoea, usually by ingesting certain pathogens spread through water.
  7. Diarrhoea is the passing of frequent watery stools when you go to the toilet.
  8. Frequent discharge of semi solid or liquid faecal matter from the bowel with a variety of cases.
  9. A symptom of a stomach upset or other gastrointestinal illness. It is characterised by watery, bowel motions which are frequent and sometimes explosive.
  10. A condition where sufferer has frequent watery and loose bowel movements
  11. increased frequency and looseness of bowel movement, involving the passage of unusually soft faeces. Diarrhoea can be caused by food poisoning, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, dysentery, etc. ...
  12. A term that means different things to different people but is usually taken to mean a change in the bowel habit to become more loose or watery and/or an increase in bowel frequency.
  13. Frequent evacuation of watery stools.
  14. Loose, watery, and frequent bowel movements - often associated with a virus or bacterial infection. In babies, diarrhoea can quickly cause dehydration.
  15. Probably the samosa. Be gone in a few days (if not better get down the chemist - they'll know what it is).
  16. Loose, frequent bowel movements can happen as a short-term reaction to infection, inflammation or food poisioning , and such are quite positive , cleansing action. A common experience is holiday diarrhoe, and this is usually a response to exposure to unfamiliar bacteria.
  17. Watery faeces (also spelt diarrhea)
  18. Passing loose or watery stools.
  19. a very unattractive bottom.
  20. Refers to more frequent and softer than normal bowel actions.
  21. is most commonly due to simple and self-limiting infection, such as food poisoning, but may also indicate serious disease, especially if it is persistent or contains blood (see main entry for DIARRHOEA).