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derived 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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derived, past tense; derived, past participle; derives, 3rd person singular present; deriving, present participle;
  1. Obtain something from (a specified source)
    • - they derived great comfort from this assurance
  2. Base a concept on a logical extension or modification of (another concept)
    • - Eliot derived his poetics from the French Symbolists
  3. (of a word) Have (a specified word, usually of another language) as a root or origin
    • - the word “punch” derives from the Hindustani “pancha”
    • - the word “man” is derived from the Sanskrit “manas.”
  4. Arise from or originate in (a specified source)
    • - words whose spelling derives from Dr. Johnson's incorrect etymology
  5. (of an expression in a natural language) Be linked by a set of stages to (its underlying abstract form)

  6. (of a substance) Be formed or prepared by (a chemical or physical process affecting another substance)
    • - strong acids are derived from the combustion of fossil fuels
  7. Obtain (a function or equation) from another by a sequence of logical steps, for example by differentiation

  1. formed or developed from something else; not original; "the belief that classes and organizations are secondary and derived"- John Dewey
  2. (derive) deduce: reason by deduction; establish by deduction
  3. obtain; "derive pleasure from one's garden"
  4. (derive) come from; "The present name derives from an older form"
  5. (derive) develop or evolve from a latent or potential state
  6. (derive) come from; be connected by a relationship of blood, for example; "She was descended from an old Italian noble family"; "he comes from humble origins"
  7. In phylogenetics, a trait is derived if it is present in an organism, but was absent in the last common ancestor of the group being considered. This may also refer to structures that are not present in an organism, but were present in its ancestors, i.e. ...
  8. (Dérive) In situationist texts, a dérive is an attempt at analysis of the totality of everyday life, through the passive movement through space. It is translated as drift.
  9. (Derive (computer algebra system)) Derive was a computer algebra system, developed as a successor to muMATH by the Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii, now owned by Texas Instruments. Derive was implemented in muLISP, also by Soft Warehouse. The first release was in 1988. ...
  10. Of, or pertaining to, conditions unique to the descendant species of a clade, and not found in earlier ancestral species; Possessing features believed to be more advanced or improved than those other organisms; product of derivation
  11. (derivedness) The state or quality of being derived; derivativity; A derived characteristic; a derivation
  12. (derive) To obtain or receive (something) from something else; To deduce (a conclusion) by reasoning; To find the derivation of (a word or phrase); To create (a compound) from another by means of a reaction; To originate or stem (from)
  13. (Derive) manipulate a mathematical relationship(s) to give a new equation or relationship.
  14. (dérive) An experimental mode of behavior linked to the conditions of urban society: a technique for hastily passing through varied environments. Also used, more particularly, to designate the duration of a prolonged exercise of such an experiment.
  15. (Derive) (cf. Refine) To create new Data by applying logical inference, extrapolation, or similar algorithmic process to pre-existing Data.
  16. (Derive) Safeguards – Place specific ‘fallbacks’ into the overall project plan as contingencies for risks if they arise
  17. (Derive) get or trace from a source
  18. (derive) v.  ~ sth from sth obtain sth from sth; get sth from sth
  19. To derive a structure it to say how it is formed (i.e. specify the operations by which it is formed).
  20. (Deriving) The creation of a cell line from one original cell or set of cells.
  21. (Deriving) Using one product to build from to make another. Usually done by retexturing.
  22. in cladistics, a feature shared among members of smaller groups or clades that is believed to have evolved at a later date than primitive features. Also called advanced.
  23. A derived datatype is any datatype that is not predefined.
  24. derived requirements trace back to a driving requirement(s). The derived requirement is identified during the development process. The driving requirement is not satisfied unless the derived requirement is. Interfaces with other systems are an example of derived requirements. ...
  25. Relating to a characteristic that was changed from one generation to the next. Opposed to primitive.