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deplete 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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depleted, past participle; depleting, present participle; depletes, 3rd person singular present; depleted, past tense;
  1. Use up the supply of; exhaust the abundance of
    • - fish stocks are severely depleted
  2. Diminish in number or quantity
    • - supplies are depleting fast
  3. Exhaust
    • - avoid getting depleted and depressed

  1. consume: use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
  2. (depleted) no longer sufficient; "supplies are low"; "our funds are depleted"
  3. (depletion) the act of decreasing something markedly
  4. (depletion) the state of being depleted
  5. (Depletion (accounting)) Depletion is an accounting concept used most often in mining, timber, petroleum, or other similar industries. The depletion deduction allows an owner or operator to account for the reduction of a product's reserves. ...
  6. To empty or unload, as the vessels of the human system, by bloodletting or by medicine; To reduce by destroying or consuming the vital powers of; to exhaust, as a country of its strength or resources, a treasury of money, etc
  7. (depleted) Used up, expended; of which nothing is left
  8. (Depleted) Defined by the MMPA as any case in which--
  9. (Depleted) Overfishing has reduced a stock to a very low level of abundance, requiring rebuilding of stock, e.g. Southern Bluefin Tuna, School Shark.
  10. (Depleted) fieldsare the used up oil reservoirs that are used most often to store natural gas and comprise the majority of storage.
  11. (depleted (to be -)) arırģa, ırmah bolurģa
  12. (Depletion) the decrease in quantity of ore in a deposit or property resulting from extraction or production
  13. (depletion) Loss of water from surface water reservoirs or groundwater aquifers at a rate greater than that of recharge.
  14. (Depletion) The reduction in value of mineral deposits as it is produced. Oil and gas are wasting assets, in that proceeds from the well represent both income and return of capital.
  15. (Depletion) The wasting away of an asset as it is used up.
  16. (Depletion) The consumption of a natural resource.
  17. (Depletion) A system similar to depreciation that allows the owner of natural resources (for example: a coal mine or an oil well) to deduct a portion of the cost of the asset during each year of its presumed productive life.
  18. (Depletion (stock depletion)) reducing the biomass of a fish stock through fishing.
  19. (Depletion) (for tax purposes) The IRS authorizes a deduction from income for depletion in the case of gas wells. There is a deduction from net revenues, recognizing that gas wells eventually stop producing. This deduction is as much as 15%, in addition to Intangible Drilling Costs and depreciation.
  20. (Depletion) A laboratory procedure for reducing the numbers of specific cell types within bone marrow donated for transplantation, for example the removal of some types of lymphocytes. ...
  21. (Depletion) A water use term. The water consumed within a service area and no longer available as a source of supply. For agriculture and wetlands, it is evapotranspiration of applied water (ETAW) and evapotranspiration (ET) of flooded wetlands, plus irrecoverable losses. ...
  22. (Depletion) An accounting device, recognising the consumption of an ore deposit, a mine’s principal asset
  23. (Depletion) Batteries deplete over time. The amount of usable charge (or energy) that can be obtained from a battery is continually reduced as the battery is used (charged and discharged). ...
  24. (Depletion) For a positive gate voltage, the holes are pushed away from the positive charge on the gate electrode, and a surface layer depleted of holes is formed extending from the interface to the depth necessary to make the exposed, immobile, negative acceptor ion charge exactly balance the ...
  25. (Depletion) Refers to consumption of natural resources that are part of a company's assets. Producing oil, mining and gas companies deal in products that cannot be replenished and as such are known as wasting assets. ...