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demonstrated 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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demonstrating, present participle; demonstrated, past tense; demonstrates, 3rd person singular present; demonstrated, past participle;
  1. Clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence
    • - their shameful silence demonstrates their ineptitude
  2. Give a practical exhibition and explanation of (how a machine, skill, or craft works or is performed)
    • - computerized design methods will be demonstrated
    • - he demonstrated how to make his favorite hotdog
  3. Show or express (a feeling or quality) by one's actions
    • - she began to demonstrate a new-found confidence
  4. Take part in a public demonstration
    • - thousands demonstrated in favor of the government

  1. having been demonstrated or verified beyond doubt
  2. (demonstrate) show: give an exhibition of to an interested audience; "She shows her dogs frequently"; "We will demo the new software in Washington"
  3. (demonstrate) prove: establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
  4. (demonstrate) attest: provide evidence for; stand as proof of; show by one's behavior, attitude, or external attributes; "His high fever attested to his illness"; "The buildings in Rome manifest a high level of architectural sophistication"; "This decision demonstrates his sense of fairness"
  5. (demonstrate) march in protest; take part in a demonstration; "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle"
  6. (demonstrative) given to or marked by the open expression of emotion; "an affectionate and demonstrative family"
  7. demonstrative pronoun: a pronoun that points out an intended referent
  8. (Demonstrative) Demonstratives are deictic words (they depend on an external frame of reference) that indicate which entities a speaker refers to and distinguishes those entities from others. ...
  9. (demonstrate) To display the method of using an object; To show the steps taken to create a logical argument or equation; To participate in or organize a demonstration
  10. Demonstrate means to give examples to support a point.
  11. (DEMONSTRATE) The student performs the operations necessary for the application of an instrument, model, device, or implement. NOTE: There is a temptation to use demonstrate in objectives such as, "the student will demonstrate his knowledge of vowel sounds. ...
  12. (demonstrate) The ego seeks to demonstrate that error (e.g., sin, guilt, faults, assault, etc.), is real and Truth is error; the Holy Spirit demonstrates the Truth is True through miracles, healing, forgiveness and our growing awareness of God. ...
  13. (demonstrate) their progress through regular assessment.
  14. (demonstrate) v.  ~ sth (to sb) show sth clearly by giving proof or evidence
  15. (Demonstrating) The supervision of a practical class; the term derives from the now obsolete post titles of ‘University Demonstrator’ (now University Lecturer) and ‘Departmental Demonstrator’ (now Departmental Lecturer), and may be applied equally to those in charge of practical classes and to ...
  16. (Demonstrative) This is a term used to refer to words like this/that, these/those and here/there which indicate a location relatively nearer to or further from the speaker (e.g. this book means 'the book relatively close to me', and that book means 'the book somewhat further away from me').
  17. (demonstrative) A pronoun or adjective which expresses proximity to or remoteness from the speaker (eg Spanish este, ese, aquel).