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deem 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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deeming, present participle; deems, 3rd person singular present; deemed, past participle; deemed, past tense;
  1. Regard or consider in a specified way
    • - the event was deemed a great success
    • - the strike was deemed to be illegal

  1. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"
  2. An opinion; judgement; surmise; To judge; pass judgement on; sentence; doom; To adjudge; decree; To dispense (justice); administer (law); To think, judge, or hold as an opinion; decide or believe on consideration; suppose; To hold in belief or estimation; adjudge as a conclusion; regard as ...
  3. (Deeming) A method of assessing your entitlement to social security benefits under the Income Test for the Social Security Pension. Deeming assumes that certain financial investments are earning a specified rate of interest regardless of whether they are. Current deeming rates for singles are 3. ...
  4. (Deeming) A notional rate of earnings used by the government to calculate the investment returns of eligible age pensioners. The actual investment return may vary but is not taken into account as part of the Incomes Test calculation.
  5. (Deeming) Counting all or part of the income or resources of another person (for example, a parent or spouse) as income or resources available to an applicant or recipient.
  6. (Deeming) SSI is a financial-needs based program. This means that for SSI eligibility, the income and financial resources of other people who live with, or are responsible for a SSI recipient may taken into consideration. ...
  7. (Deeming) The process of determining the amount of income and resources of a parent or sponsor which must be considered available to meet the client's needs.
  8. To consider or have an opinion. For example, to deem it necessary to do something.
  9. To make an assumption that one thing follows logically from another; a presumption of a fact based on other facts. Sometimes, a presumption of a fact required by law.
  10. to consider or rule something to be what it may or may not be.
  11. to judge, think or believe to have taken place.
  12. To accept a document or an event as conclusive of a certain status in the absence of evidence or facts, which would normally be required to prove that status. ...
  13. To hold, consider, or treat as if.