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cooperative 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal,
  1. Involving mutual assistance in working toward a common goal
    • - every member has clearly defined tasks in a cooperative enterprise
  2. Willing to be of assistance
    • - they have been extremely considerate, polite, and cooperative
  3. (of a farm, business, etc.) Owned and run jointly by its members, with profits or benefits shared among them

  1. A farm, business, or other organization that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits

  1. a jointly owned commercial enterprise (usually organized by farmers or consumers) that produces and distributes goods and services and is run for the benefit of its owners
  2. concerted: involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"
  3. an association formed and operated for the benefit of those using it
  4. done with or working with others for a common purpose or benefit; "a cooperative effort"
  5. accommodative: willing to adjust to differences in order to obtain agreement
  6. (cooperatively) hand in glove: in close cooperation; "they work hand in glove"
  7. A cooperative (also co-operative; often referred to as a co-op) is a business organization owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit. ...
  8. A housing cooperative is a legal entity—usually a corporation—that owns real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings. (This is one type of housing tenure. ...
  9. The Cooperative was an informal group of famous French academics organized in 1907 to teach their children at a higher level than was available in Paris at the time. The group started when Marie and Pierre Curie noticed the strong mathematical potential of their daughter, Irène. ...
  10. A type of company that is owned partially or wholly by its employees, customers or tenants. Abbreviation: co-op; Ready to work with another person or in a team; ready to cooperate
  11. (Cooperatives (Co-ops)) A structure of two or more units in which the right to occupy a unit is obtained by the purchase of stock in the corporation which owns the building.
  12. (Co-operatives) As defined in the Co-operatives Act.
  13. (COOPERATIVES (CO-OPS)) In cooperative buildings, individuals own shares in an overall corporation, the number of shares being based on the size and worth of their apartments. ...
  15. (Co-operatives) Organisations that are owned, controlled and used by their members. They are distinguished from other forms of incorporation by their participative ownership, democratic structure and use of capital for mutual rather than individual benefit. ...
  16. (Co-operatives) groups of farmers who join together to share expensive items of machinery, to buy in bulk and to sell their produce. ...
  17. (Cooperatives) Similar to condominiums except instead of owning your unit you own a percentage of shares in the entire building.
  18. (Cooperatives) The joint ownership and management of an organization between its customers and/or employees.
  19. (Cooperatives) organizations composed primarily of small producers and consumers who voluntarily join together to form business enterprises which they themselves own, control and patronize.
  20. (cooperatives) An English-language daily newspaper published by the SLP from 1901 to 1914, with De Leon as the editor during most of that period.
  21. (cooperatives) Marketing groups established by such groups as the Farmers Alliance. They eliminated "middlemen" and reduced prices to farmers. The idea also was tried by some labor groups and included other types of businesses, such as factories.
  22. Cooperatives are an idea introduced by Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) that is modeled after rural electricity, farming, and telephone cooperatives that are owned and organized by members. ...
  23. (Cooperation) animals working together toward a common end or purpose.
  24. (Co-operation) Co-operative teams are ones where members are actually working with each other in a supportive capacity. This must be built on a sound foundation of coexistence otherwise the co-operation will be transient. People know whom to turn to for advice. ...
  25. (Co-operation) In order to quickly identify and resolve any conflicts that may arise in connection with planning, the involved authorities of the federal government, the cantons and neighbouring states, as well as involved organisations and public and private entities (insofar as they are ...