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conditioning 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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conditioned, past participle; conditioning, present participle; conditioned, past tense; conditions, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Have a significant influence on or determine (the manner or outcome of something)
    • - national choices are conditioned by the international political economy
  2. Train or accustom (someone or something) to behave in a certain way or to accept certain circumstances
    • - we have all been conditioned to the conventional format of TV
    • - the child is conditioned to dislike food
    • - the program examines aspects of social conditioning
  3. Bring (something) into the desired state for use
    • - a product for conditioning leather
  4. Make (a person or animal) fit and healthy
    • - he was six feet two of perfectly conditioned muscle and bone
  5. Apply something to (the skin or hair) to give it a healthy or attractive look or feel
    • - I condition my hair regularly
  6. Bring (beer or stout) to maturation after fermentation while the yeast is still present
    • - cask-conditioned real ales
  7. (of a beer or stout) Undergo such a process
    • - brews that are allowed to condition in the bottle
  8. Set prior requirements on (something) before it can occur or be done
    • - Congressmen have sought to limit and condition military and economic aid

  1. a learning process in which an organism's behavior becomes dependent on the occurrence of a stimulus in its environment
  2. (conditioned) established by conditioning or learning; "a conditioned response"
  3. Beliefs depend on the available information. This idea is formalized in probability theory by conditioning. Conditional probabilities, conditional expectations and conditional distributions are treated on three levels: discrete probabilities, probability density functions, and measure theory. ...
  4. The process of modifying a person's behaviour; Any preparation or training, especially athletic training of the body; The storage of a material specimen under specified temperature, humidity for a specified time prior to testing
  5. (conditioned) ’dus byas. Produced (byas) by a combination (’dus) of causes and conditions.
  6. The process of carbonating beer.
  7. The adjustment of the electrical characteristics of transmission lines to improve their performance for specific uses. Conditioning involves the tuning of the line or addition/deletion of equipment to improve its transmission characteristics.
  8. (also a psychological concept) installing a pattern (through repetitive, consistent hurts) that prevents the individual from acting on the basis of her/his own free and flexible thinking, and instead, accept the distressed demands/behavior of other people in the society as "normal. ...
  9. The process of writing out notes on a keno ticket, in order to clarify the types of wagers being made.
  10. (1) To bring to a standard. (2) Addition of equipment to voice grade lines to provide for data transmissions at specified minimum values of line characteristics, in ranges from C1 to C4 (the best). ...
  11. A series of suggestions to “condition” of the subconscious mind to be more responsive to specific ideas.
  12. to soak new Rockwool in an acidic solution to lower the pH from 8,0 to 5.5
  13. The process of imputation used in NAEP that allows plausible values to be drawn at random from a conditional distribution of a NAEP respondent, given his or her response to cognitive exercises and to a specific subset of background variables (conditioning variables).
  14. Training an animalAny living thing that is not a plant. Most animals can move about freely. All use plants or other animals as food. All have sensory organs. to accept a certain pattern of behaviorIn biology, an organism's activity in response to its environment. ...
  15. Treatment and packaging of radioactive waste.
  16. the process by which fungi must enzymically soften up substrates like dead leaves before the detritivorous animals can eat them.
  17. The act of exposing BOBBINS of FILLING YARN to steam or to a spray of conditioning solution in order to set the twist, to remove kinks from the YARN, and to prevent its kinking in subsequent processes.
  18. maturation of beer after it leaves the fermenting vessel.
  19. Any change in behavior due to experience. Same as learning.
  20. A series of inductions making certain ideas or things acceptable to the subject's subconscious mind.
  21. When leather is dried after retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring the fibres tend to stick together and the leather is hard. The fibres are separated and the leather softened by staking. Staking is best done at about 18% humidity and so a little humidity has to be put into the dry leather. ...
  22. The process of maturing beers, in either keg or bottle.
  23. Influences which can lead to the emergence of preferences and aversions.
  24. The process of adding moisture to tobacco so that it will be pliable enough to withstand handling, processing, and manufacturing without breaking into smaller pieces. Special care must be taken to avoid over-conditioning, as this lowers the quality of the tobacco.
  25. The exposure of paper to accurately controlled and specified atmospheric conditions, so that its moisture content reaches equilibrium with the given atmospheric condition.