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comply 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a person or group) Act in accordance with a wish or command,
  1. (of a person or group) Act in accordance with a wish or command
    • - we are unable to comply with your request
  2. (of an article) Meet specified standards
    • - all secondhand furniture must comply with the new standards

  1. act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes; "He complied with my instructions"; "You must comply or else!"; "Follow these simple rules"; "abide by the rules"
  2. To yield assent; to accord; agree, or acquiesce; to adapt one's self; to consent or conform; : To be ceremoniously courteous; to make one's compliments; : To fulfill; to accomplish; : To infold; to embrace
  3. (COMPLIED) Case in compliance but can't be closed because of fees due or something else is pending
  4. To satisfy or to conform with rules or laws.
  5. observer / bien suivre (son traitement)
  6. To meet obligations and rules
  7. to obey or follow a command