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comedian 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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comedians, plural;
  1. An entertainer whose act is designed to make an audience laugh

  2. An amusing or entertaining person

  3. A comic actor

  1. a professional performer who tells jokes and performs comical acts
  2. an actor in a comedy
  3. (comedy) light and humorous drama with a happy ending
  4. (comedy) drollery: a comic incident or series of incidents
  5. A comedian (sometimes comedienne, see below) or comic is a person who seeks to entertain members of an audience, primarily by making them laugh. This might be through jokes or amusing situations, or acting a fool, as in slapstick, or employing prop comedy. ...
  6. Watchmen is a twelve-issue comic book limited series created by Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, and John Higgins, published by DC Comics in 1986 and 1987. Watchmen focuses on six main characters: the Comedian, Doctor Manhattan, the Nite Owl, Ozymandias, Rorschach, and the Silk Spectre. ...
  7. Comedian is a 2002 documentary focusing on Jerry Seinfeld that explores the other side of stand-up comedy; that is, the preparation, politics, nerves, creativity, and so on. The film also features an up-and-coming comic named Orny Adams as he struggles to make it in show business. ...
  8. The Comedian is a 1957 live television drama written by Rod Serling from a novella by Ernest Lehman, directed by John Frankenheimer and starring Mickey Rooney.
  9. (Comedians (Beavis and Butt-head episode)) The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. ...
  10. (Comedians (film)) Comedians (Cómicos) is a 1954 Spanish drama film directed by Juan Antonio Bardem. It was coproduced with Argentina but it is a Spanish film about Spaniards actors on stage. Bardem confessed to being inspired by All About Eve. ...
  11. An entertainer who performs in a humorous manner, especially by telling jokes; Any person who is characteristically humorous or amusing
  12. (comedy) archaic Greece. a choric song of celebration or revel; ancient Greece. a light, amusing play with a happy ending; medieval Europe. a narrative poem with an agreeable ending (e.g. ...
  13. (Comedians) Funny guys and gals flock to Twitter to try out one-liners and absurdist humor. "The brevity of the form is well suited to puns and verbal jokes that tweak grammar and punctuation," wrote blogger Chris Erenata in a two-part series on "Twitter's comedy underground. ...
  14. (comedy) a literary work which is intended to amuse, and which normally has a happy ending. The term is usually applied to drama, but it can also be used for other literary kinds. ...
  15. (comedy) a dramatic work that is light and often humorous in tone and usually ends happily with a peaceful resolution of the main conflict.
  16. (Comedy) a play that ends happily
  17. (Comedy) A literary work which is amusing and ends happily. Modern comedies tend to be funny, while Shakespearean comedies simply end well. Shakespearean comedy also contains items such as misunderstandings and mistaken identity to heighten the comic effect. ...
  18. (COMEDY) (from Greek: komos, "songs of merrimakers"): In the original meaning of the word, comedy referred to a genre of drama during the Dionysia festivals of ancient Athens. The first comedies were loud and boisterous drunken affairs, as the word's etymology suggests. ...
  19. (COMEDY) The lighter side of drama. The dramatic components that make us laugh.
  20. (Comedy) (from Greek Comos, the name of a god of fertility): forms of literature, especially drama, that stimulate laughter, light heartedness, or a sense of well being. Ancient Greek comedy in the 5th century BCE ridiculed the un-heroic aspects of  everyday life in Athens. ...
  21. (Comedy) (vs. tragedy) – in general, a story with a happy ending; usually focuses on everyday people in common language.
  22. (Comedy) A type of drama, opposed to tragedy, usually having a happy ending, and emphasizing human limitation rather than human greatness.
  23. (Comedy) A work intended to interest, involve, and amuse the reader or audience, in which no terrible disaster occurs and that ends happily for the main characters. ...
  24. (Comedy) Any work, particularly a work of drama which is marked by a happy ending and a less exalted style than than in tragedy.  It seeks to depict the ludicrous--that which makes people laugh--by a vareity of means, and seldom is concerned to appear "real. ...
  25. (Comedy) Must I really have to explain this? Manga that falls in this category has the tendency to make you laugh until you burst your stomach. Humour? Laughter? Funny? Does that ring any bells…?