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coalition 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coalitions, plural;
  1. An alliance for combined action, esp. a temporary alliance of political parties forming a government or of states
    • - a coalition of conservatives and disaffected Democrats
    • - the party was only able to govern in coalition with three or even four other parties
    • - a coalition government

  1. alliance: an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
  2. the state of being combined into one body
  3. coalescence: the union of diverse things into one body or form or group; the growing together of parts
  4. A coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant. ...
  5. The Coalition in Australian politics refers to a group of centre-right parties that has existed in the form of a coalition agreement (on and off) since 1922. ...
  6. The Coalition (Coalición), also but rarely known as Conservative Coalition, was a Chilean coalition formed in 1891 after the Chilean Civil War and it was the main opposer of the Liberal Alliance. ...
  7. The Coalition (Coalición) is a conservative political party in Colombia. At the last legislative elections, 10 March 2002 , the party won as one of the many small parties parliamentary representation.
  8. A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament. ...
  9. The Coalition is a historic coalition of the three confessional parties of the Netherlands, the Christian Historical Union, Anti-Revolutionary Party and Roman Catholic State Party. They were united in their common plight for equal financing for religious schools. ...
  10. A temporary group or union of organizations, usually formed for a particular advantage
  11. (coalitions) An association of health care plan sponsors who pool their resources to negotiate with insurers or other health care payers and providers.
  12. (Coalitions) A temporary union between two or more individuals or groups for a common aim or goal. A relatively common practice utilized in multi party negotiations, it is used to gain advantage in the negotiation process. (Coalitions)
  13. (Coalitions) A time-limited organization in which there is a convergence of interest in
  14. (Coalitions) Associations (most often non-profit) whose purpose is to monitor and control rising health care costs, through instilling efficiency and quality in the provision of health care through education, partnerships, purchasing criteria, exchange of information and promoting cost-effective ...
  15. (Coalitions) Groups of individuals within a primate troop usually cooperating to defend territory, acquire females, or challenge dominant individuals.
  16. (Coalitions) Since the first elections to the Bundestag in 1949 there have been 22 coalition governments in Germany. ...
  17. (coalitions) one of the central tactics of power whereby two or more interest groups informally join forces in order to increase their joint power in relation to another group or groups.
  18. A collection of two or more groups or parties, usually to form a government or opposition
  19. A group of committed individuals and organizations in the community (e.g., parents, teachers, school trustees, local businesses, social or health service providers, and police) working together to advance one or more local social causes (e.g., early childhood development; poverty; homelessness).
  20. to patriots. Meanwhile the negotiations continued, Ministry, s o secretly that when, on the 9th of April, the appoint- 1906. Y, 9 P ?, PP ment of a Coalition cabinet 2 under Dr Sandor Wekerle was announced, the world was taken completely by surprise.
  21. a formal agreement between political parties to share power in government.
  22. An alliance (usually temporary) between individuals or groups working together towards a particular aim.
  23. An alliance of independent corporations and/or organizations that decide to work together to achieve a specific political or social goal. By forming a larger network, the group of partners can pool resources and create a more powerful advocacy voice.
  24. Arrangement between one or more nations for common action; multi-national action outside the bounds of established alliances, usually for single occasions or longer cooperation in a narrow sector of common interest; or a forced composed of military elements of nations that have formed a ...
  25. n. A combination of parties, each of which has lost an election, which forms a Government believing that manifesto (q.v.) commitments by any or all of the coalition members can legitimately be ignored since they took effect only if the party had won. ...