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cloth 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cloths, plural;
  1. Woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber
    • - shelves covered with bright red cloth
    • - a cloth bag
  2. A piece of cloth for a particular purpose, such as a dishcloth or a tablecloth
    • - wipe clean with a damp cloth
  3. A variety of cloth

  4. The clergy; the clerical profession
    • - a man of the cloth

  1. fabric: artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitransparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress"
  2. A textile is a flexible material consisting of a network of natural or artificial fibres often referred to as thread or yarn. Yarn is produced by spinning raw wool fibres, linen, cotton, or other material on a spinning wheel to produce long strands. ...
  3. A woven fabric such as used in dressing, decorating, cleaning or other practical use; A piece of cloth used for a particular purpose; A form of attire that represents a particular profession; Priesthood, clergy
  4. (Cloths) Hanging scenery – usually made of painted fabric.
  5. A cloth-bound book. The covering can be linen, buckram or another textile.
  6. Prepared calico, sometimes embossed with different patterns, used for cloth bindings.
  7. A fiberglass reinforcement made by weaving strands of glass fiber yarns. Cloth is available in various weights measured in ounces per square yard or Kg/m2
  8. A type of woven filter spectrum made from natural or synthetic yarns.
  9. Literally, the cloth which covers the boards of a hardbound book. Some dealers, however, use this term interchangeably with “boards”, “hardbound” or “hardcover”; for example, “Fine in cloth with dustjacket” or “cloth (or clothbound) issue, Fine in a Fine dustjacket”.
  10. a common material used, from the late-19th century, to cover the boards of hardcover books. In modern trade publishing, however, paper has become more common than cloth for covering boards.
  11. A term used for any plain-woven woolen fabrics that had been fulled, napped and sheared (see definition for broadcloth above.) In the fur trade, this term was used most frequently as a conventional abbreviation for “list cloths” and “Stroud cloths” (see definitions below.)^21
  12. a lustrous transparent cloth of Phillipine origin that is woven of silky pineapple fibers.
  13. Binding material made from cotton, wool, linen or synthetics.
  14. To dream about cloth means you are dreaming and there happens to be some cloth in it.
  15. A fine weave of woven fiberglass fabric.
  16. Any material made from fibers using any of a variety of techniques, including, but not limited to weaving, knitting, and felting. See also fabric and textile.
  17. A pliable fabric, woven, felted, or knitted from any filament; commonly fabric of woven cotton, woolen, silk, nylon, rayon, or linen fiber.
  18. The wire screening surface, woven in square, rectangular, or slotted openings. Also called wire cloth or screen cloth.
  19. n. a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances
  20. Another term for a hardbound book.
  21. A general term applied to fabrics
  22. Shortened version of backcloth.
  23. Backdrop scenery painted on fabric. Cloths can be on a banjo (qv) (usually in the amateur theatre), can be rolled up, or can be flown (qv).
  24. Signifies improvement
  25. Specially designed cloth material used for large format printing and elaborate designs. Material is not washable.