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buffer zones, plural;
  1. A neutral area serving to separate hostile forces or nations

  2. An area of land designated for environmental protection
    • - oyster harvesters are not allowed in certain buffer zones

  1. a neutral zone between two rival powers that is created in order to diminish the danger of conflict
  2. The Free Zone is a term used by the Polisario Front to describe the part of Western Sahara that lies to the east of the Moroccan Berm (the Moroccan border wall) and west and north of the borders with Algeria and Mauritania, respectively. ...
  3. (Buffer Zones) An area of reduced vegetation that separates wildlands from vulnerable residential or business developments. This barrier is similar to a greenbelt in that it is usually used for another purpose such as agriculture, recreation areas, parks, or golf courses.
  4. (BUFFER ZONES) Intervening areas of natural vegetation which provide National Parks and other forests protection from edge effects and the encroachment of other impacts. ...
  5. (Buffer Zones) Areas adjoining designated protected land, which reduce impacts upon the protected area.
  6. (Buffer Zones) In general, an area used to separate conflicting uses. In relation to riparian and watershed management areas, its a zone that can be maintained to minimize impacts to the local water resource (i.e., vegetative buffer strips along a creek).
  7. (Buffer zones) Any area, regardless of shape, designed to provide some form of protection between the point of application and a non-target environment. When designed for water protection, buffer zones may act in two ways:
  8. (buffer zones) natural forested areas adjacent to lakes and creeks
  9. A segment of land between two disparate municipal zones which acts as a shield to keep one zone from encroaching upon the other. Often used to separate residential districts from commercial areas.
  10. An area of land specifically designed to separate one zoning use from another, such as separating a residential neighborhood from an industrial area.
  11. An area that surrounds a protected area and either serves to provide benefits to nearby human communities or to mitigate adverse effects from human activities outside the area. For example, some buffer zones are intended to protect surrounding agricultural areas from damage by wildlife.
  12. A designated transitional area around a stream, lake, or wetland left in a natural, usually vegetated state so as to protect the waterbody from runoff pollution. Development is often restricted or prohibited in a buffer zone.
  13. zone of separation, a territorial “cushion” that keeps rivals apart (e.g., Mongolia b/w China and Russia; Rhineland prior to WWI; DMZ b/w North and South Korea)
  14. Areas important to, but not part of, the Appalachian Trail.
  15. Area between the composting operation and homes or other sensitive land uses.
  16. As it applies to coffee farming, a wide strip of vegetation along a stream to control erosion and runoff. Also, land that intercepts pesticide and fertilizer drift from non-organic fields.
  17. is a portion of the disposal site that is controlled by the licensee and that lies under the disposal units and between the disposal units and the boundary of the site.
  18. A riparian forest buffer is an area of trees and shrubs located adjacent to streams, lakes, ponds, and wetlands. It can be used to intercept sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and other materials in surface runoff and reduce nutrients and other pollutants in shallow subsurface water flow.
  19. In general, buffer zones offer a protective barrier between an area of industrial activity and an area judged to be ecologically sensitive - such as buffer zones that protect wetlands. ...
  20. A zone extending radially from the critical region.
  21. The area that separates the core from areas in which human activities that threaten it.
  22. An area located between a certified organic production operation or portion of a production operation and an adjacent land area that is not maintained under organic management. A buffer zone must be sufficient in size or other features (e.g. ...
  23. A non-plantation area that is generally undisturbed and vegetated, providing a separation distance between a water resource or native vegetation and forest operations, with the aim of protection from potential detrimental impact. ...
  24. The locus of points that lie within a specified distance from a map feature.
  25. A transition zone around a protected (or closed) areain which some activities may be restricted to enhance the benefits to be gained from the protected area.