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behavior 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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behaviours, plural; behaviors, plural;
  1. The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, esp. toward others
    • - good behavior
    • - his insulting behavior toward me
  2. The way in which an animal or person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus
    • - the feeding behavior of predators
  3. The way in which a natural phenomenon or a machine works or functions
    • - the erratic behavior of the old car

  1. manner of acting or controlling yourself
  2. the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances; "the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments"
  3. demeanor: (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
  4. (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
  5. Behavior, or behaviour (see American and British spelling differences), refers to the actions of a system or organism , usually in relation to its environment, which includes the other systems or organisms around as well as the physical environment. ...
  6. The way a living creature behaves or acts; The way a device or system operates
  7. ((B) Behaviors) What do the students have to do in order to show that they have learned the lesson?  Example: identify parts of the library to answer questions about using it as a resource for learning.
  8. (Behaviors) The primitive building blocks for robot control and action. Depending on the control architecture, behaviors can be either simple stimulus-response pairings or more complex rule based units for carrying out a particular competency. ...
  9. (Behaviors) What people do (in the past, present, or future).
  10. Behaviors are a mechanism that lets you add production-quality interactivity to your prototype with drag-and-drop. Behaviors are packaged, re-usable patterns of interactivity. ...
  11. Behaviors are observable actions related to the execution of one or more change initiatives.
  12. The observable activity of humans and animals.
  13. The response of a component or system to a set of input values and preconditions.
  14. Any observable, recordable, and measurable movement, response, or verbal or nonverbal act demonstrated by an individual.
  15. The observable effects of an operation or event, including its results.
  16. Automaticity – Behavioral economics – Behavioral finance – Bounded rationality – Institutionalism – Organizational learning – Organization studies: behavioral – Overconfidence – Rational behavior – Standard operating procedures
  17. The manner of conducting oneself; the response of an individual, group or species to its environment.
  18. Reaction of an animal to its environment.
  19. In OBPE, one type of outcome is called “behavioral.” A program that teaches or encourages people to do something usually intends to result in behavioral outcomes. ...
  20. Rules that describe the action of a game component and the qualities defining that action. A game character might be able to run or jump, for example―two different kinds of behaviors. Or a door might be assigned an “invisible” behavior, which means it will not appear on screen. ...
  21. In biologyThe study of life and living things. Biology deals with how plants and animals live and grow, how they are made, and where they are found., an organismAnything that is alive.'s activity in response to its environmentEverything that surrounds an animal or other living thing. ...
  22. How an animal responds to the outside world. The behavior of a Black-necked Stilt is much different from the behavior of the Cooper's Hawk. Behavior is one of the themes included in the education section.
  23. An action or set of actions exhibited by a trainee under controlled circumstances. eLearning applications/courses/programs are developed to test the user’s expertise and knowledge level by testing their behavior and response during the training. ...
  24. The total collection of actions and reactions exhibited by a person. [Click Here to Return to List]
  25. Any activity (either covert or overt) the learner will be expected to exhibit after training. The activity should be observable and measurable.  It is the primary component of an objective.