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bandwagon 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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bandwagons, plural;
  1. A wagon used for carrying a band in a parade or procession

  2. A particular activity or cause that has suddenly become fashionable or popular
    • - the local deejays are on the home-team bandwagon

  1. a popular trend that attracts growing support; "when they saw how things were going everybody jumped on the bandwagon"
  2. a large ornate wagon for carrying a musical band; "the gaudy bandwagon led the circus parade"
  3. Bandwagon is a 1996 film by writer/director John Schultz, starring Lee Holmes and Kevin Corrigan.
  4. Bandwagon is the bimonthly journal of the Circus Historical Society. Originated in 1940 as SPEC, it is still in print today. Contributing writers include Stuart Thayer and William L. Slout.
  5. Bandwagon is a half-hour music program featuring traditional dance music, most notably polka, performed with in front of a studio audience dancing along. The program is produced and broadcast by KEYC-TV in Mankato, Minnesota. ...
  6. Jason Moran (born January 21, 1975) is a jazz pianist who debuted as a band leader with the 1999 album Soundtrack to Human Motion. ...
  7. A large wagon used to carry a band of musicians in a parade; A current movement that attracts wide support
  8. 1) Atlanta Braves. 2) mindless collective group of idiots who jump from winning team to winning team, throwing their support to whoever gets the most coverage or has the best record. 3) media circus that often surrounds recently successful teams that had previously sucked.
  9. 1 insult used by Baltimore fans when they get into a verbal altercation with a fan of any of the following teams: Patriots, Steelers, Red Sox, Yankees. There is no comeback to this insult.
  10. A passing LEGO fad, such as cave racers or IATTAR.
  11. This technique tries to persuade everyone to join in and do the same thing.
  12. A popular trend or issue that more and more politicians adopt to gain support from voters.
  13. Making it seem like “everyone is doing it!”
  14. This replaces the argument for a conclusion by an argument that appeals (falsely or not) to wide (popular, scientific etc.) support for the conclusion. ("The silent majority approves of it; ten milion Frenchmen can't be wrong".)
  15. A situation in which investors expect the recent trend in exchange rates to be carried on in the future.
  16. A popular party, faction, or cause that attracts growing support; a current or fashionable trend.
  17. Sometimes, when you’re outside a venue or hotel and fans from the concert walk by and see what you’re doing, they stick around and can ruin a signing opportunity because it looks like too large a crowd is waiting for the celebrity. ...
  18. a logical fallacy of pathos in which the primary warrant for an argument is that "everyone else is doing it"
  19. a suggestion that everybody is using a good or service.
  20. This one's easy. It can be summed up in one very overused cliché: "If everyone else jumped off a bridge, wouldn't you?" Here are a few more examples:
  21. By implying that the product is widely used, advertisers hope to convince potential buyers to "get on the bandwagon."