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attribute 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Regard something as being caused by (someone or something),
  1. Regard something as being caused by (someone or something)
    • - he attributed the firm's success to the efforts of the managing director
    • - the bombing was attributed to the IRA
  2. Ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author, artist, or speaker)
    • - the building was attributed to Frank Lloyd Wright
  3. Regard a quality or feature as characteristic of or possessed by (someone or something)
    • - ancient peoples attributed magic properties to certain stones
  1. A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something
    • - flexibility and mobility are the key attributes of our army
  2. A material object recognized as symbolic of a person, esp. a conventional object used in art to identify a saint or mythical figure

  3. An attributive adjective or noun

  4. A real property that a statistical analysis is attempting to describe

  1. impute: attribute or credit to; "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"; "People impute great cleverness to cats"
  2. property: a construct whereby objects or individuals can be distinguished; "self-confidence is not an endearing property"
  3. an abstraction belonging to or characteristic of an entity
  4. assign: decide as to where something belongs in a scheme; "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class"
  5. In computing, an attribute is a specification that defines a property of an object, element, or file. It may also refer to or set the specific value for a given instance of such.
  6. An attribute grammar is a formal way to define attributes for the productions of a formal grammar, associating these attributes to values. The evaluation occurs in the nodes of the abstract syntax tree, when the language is processed by some parser or compiler.
  7. In network management, an attribute is a property of a managed object that has a value.
  8. An attribute is a piece of data (a “statistic”) that describes to what extent a fictional character in a role-playing game possesses a specific natural, in-born characteristic common to all characters in the game. That piece of data is usually an abstract number or, in some cases, a set of dice. ...
  9. (Attributed (Caravaggio)) A number of paintings have been attributed from time to time to the Italian artist Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610), but are no longer generally accepted as genuine. ...
  10. A characteristic or quality of a thing; A word that qualifies a noun; The applicable option selection; a variable or a value; That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject; a predicate; an accident; A semantic item with which a method, etc. ...
  11. (Attributed) If a chip's use at a casino cannot be determined or confirmed then it is not attributed to any casino.
  12. (ATTRIBUTED) LIFE — With respect to an energy conservation measure, the time period that is equal to the useful life or 15 years, whichever is less; or with respect to a renewable resource energy measure, the time period equal to either the useful life or 25 years, whichever is less.
  13. (Attributed) It is the opinion of the person selling the item that it is from the person or factory it is attributed to, but it has not been proven.
  14. (attributes) The instance variables and methods of an object.
  15. (attributes) The data encapsulated by an object. The only data which should be declared as part of an object's attributes is the data required to describe the object's state at any particular time. For example, the attributes of a circle are its radius and the coordinates of its center. ...
  16. (Attributes) In Role-Playing Games, attributes are numbers that represents specific aspects in a character's stats. EX: Agility, Intelligence, Luck, Power, etc. are all attributes.
  17. (Attributes) The elements that make up a coin’s grade. The main ones are marks (hairlines for Proofs), luster, strike, and eye appeal.
  18. (Attributes) properties, features, characteristics, or parameters that objects can have and share
  19. (attributes) (n.): characteristics; qualities of a person or thing
  20. (1. Attributes (Property)) Used in the style of a selector, for example: theborder, backgroundThe flow.
  21. (ATTRIBUTES) (Atributy) – a class of conceptual object-gifts offered within the circle of NOMA and which were constructed in terms of schizo-analytical relations with regard to the “Hierarchy of the Monk Sergii.” (Introduced by A. Monastyrsky in 1992-94).
  22. (ATTRIBUTES) The controllable parameters of a moving light are known as the ATTRIBUTES. All moving lights will have pan & tilt, with many having colour wheels, gobo selection, gobo rotation etc. as additional attributes.
  23. (ATTRIBUTES) when discussing a group of objects, the characteristics that all members of the group share. Attributes for the group of minerals are color, streak, hardness, etc.
  24. (Attributes) (1) quality, property or accessory. (2) a word or symbol is added to another to denote an attribute. See keys.
  25. (Attributes) A label used to provide additional classification or information about a resource, activity, or cost object. Used for focusing attention and may be subjective. Examples are a characteristic, a score or grade of product or activity, or groupings of these items, and performance measures.