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anaesthetic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. anesthetic: a drug that causes temporary loss of bodily sensations
  2. relating to or producing insensibility
  3. anesthetic(a): characterized by insensibility; "the young girls are in a state of possession--blind and deaf and anesthetic"; "an anesthetic state"
  4. (anaesthesia) anesthesia: loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness
  5. (anaesthetist) anesthesiologist: a specialist who administers an anesthetic to a patient before he is treated
  6. Anesthesia, or anaesthesia (see spelling differences; from Greek αν-, an-, "without"; and αἴσθησις, aisthēsis, "sensation"), has traditionally meant the condition of having (including the feeling of pain) blocked or temporarily taken away. ...
  7. (Anaesthesia (journal)) Anaesthesia is the official journal of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. It is a peer-reviewed medical journal and is published monthly.
  8. (anaesthesia) A method of preventing sensation, used to eliminate pain; Loss or prevention of pain, as caused by anesthesia
  9. (Anaesthesia) Medications used to relieve pain.
  10. (Anaesthesia) The total or partial loss of sensation, especially in relation to pain.
  11. (anaesthesia) An impairment or loss of sensation, usually of touch but sometimes of the other senses, that is often part of conversion disorder.
  12. (Anaesthesia) Lack of a normal sensation brought on by an anesthetic drug.
  13. (Anaesthesia) It means without feeling. The loss of feeling or sensation, throughout the body or in part of it, produced by various methods, such as administration of drugs, is called anaesthesia. ...
  14. (ANAESTHESIA) DOLOROSA = pain in a region which is already under anaesthesia
  15. (ANAESTHESIA) A dangerous time for people with sleep apnoea. The anaesthetic drugs, pre-medication sedatives and post operative pain relief drugs can all worsen sleep apnoea.
  16. (Anaesthesia) Lack of feeling due to nerve damage
  17. (Anaesthesia) Removal of feeling or creating numbness in a specific area.
  18. (Anaesthesia) is a collective term for the drugs used to numb an area or put a patient to “sleep” during surgical procedures. Local anesthetic is typically implemented via a syringe, and is directly injected into the area to be incised or cut, but the patient remains awake. ...
  19. (Anaesthesia) is the technique used to numb the area to operate. Depending on the procedure it will be either general (we sleep completely) or local-regional (it numbs a body part) or local (it numbs the area to operate).
  20. (Anaesthesia) the use of drugs during surgery to remove pain.
  21. Anaesthesia is one of a variety of drugs or sedatives given to reduce pain or induce semi-consciousness. It is extremely important to tell your dentist if you have any drug allergies.
  22. (Anaesthetist) AKA gas man/woman -the doctor that looks after your pain control and gives you the anaesthetic that allows the surgeon to operate. ...
  23. A drug used to numb an area of the body (local anaesthetic) or to put you to sleep for a while (general anaesthetic).
  24. A drug used to prevent people from feeling pain. It can affect the whole body (general) or a particular part (local).
  25. A chemical that produces loss of consciousness.