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ambience 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ambiences, plural; ambiances, plural;
  1. The character and atmosphere of a place
    • - the relaxed ambience of the cocktail lounge is popular with guests
  2. Background noise added to a musical recording to give the impression that it was recorded live

  1. atmosphere: a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement"
  2. Ambience is The Lambrettas second album. Unlike their first album Beat Boys In The Jet Age it was never a success. The band had tried to move on from their Mod sound but failed to attract a wider audience. The album includes singles "Good Times" and "Decent Town".
  3. In filmmaking, ambience (also known as atmospheres or backgrounds) are the sounds of a given location or space. It is the opposite of "silence." This term is often confused with presence.
  4. Alternative spelling of ambiance
  5. (ambiently) In an ambient way
  6. The mix of background noise and other reflected sounds that make up a room's acoustic character. More recently, a generic description of new age music.
  7. The acoustic characteristics of a space with regard to reverberation. A room with a lot of reverb is said to be "live"; one without much reverb is "dead."
  8. the background noise or environmental sound.
  9. The part of a speaker's sound caused by reverberations from the surrounding environment, such as walls or furniture, instead of directly from the speaker.
  10. In audio / acoustic terminology, this is the reverberant quality of a room.
  11. Wordless, background sound recorded on location. Often called presence.
  12. Broadly an alternative word for atmosphere. See mood, tone.Specifically the word ambiance relates to the atmosphere or mood of a specific setting or location
  13. Also called "room tone", ambience is the natural sound occuring in any location. You should always record a minimum of 30 seconds of ambient sound for each camera location. This way you will be able to cover a myriad of problems (audio dropping out, audio changing) that can arise when editing sound.
  14. the overall quality of mood, tone, or atmosphere in a film.
  15. The light that is "ambient" in the room. How it is lit including lights and the amount of daylight that streams in. The more ambient light that is in the room, the more likely it is that the projector will produce a washed-out image. ...
  16. In room acoustics, early reflections and reverberation. The audible sense of a room or environment surround a sound source. [3]
  17. Ambience refers to a room’s level of lighting, such as daylight, artificial light, etc. The higher the ambience, the brighter the projector needs to be to produce a viewable image.
  18. The acoustical character of a listening or performing space, determined mainly by the timing, level, frequency balance, and directions of sound reflections in it.
  19. (pronounced "ambee-ints") The aurally perceived impression of an acoustical space, such as the performing hall in which a recording was made.
  20. the environment in which an event takes place. It is often recorded afterwards to provide audio that can be faded in prior to and coming out of the event to ease transitions. Also referred to as "ambi"
  21. Sounds such as reverberation, noise, and atmosphere that form a background to the main sound. Also called room tone, presence and atmos in Great Britain.