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adverb 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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adverbs, plural;
  1. A word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word-group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc. (e.g., gently, quite, then, there)

  1. the word class that qualifies verbs or clauses
  2. a word that modifies something other than a noun
  3. An adverb is a part of speech. It is any word that modifies any part of language other than a noun (modifiers of nouns are primarily adjectives and determiners). Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs.
  4. (Adverbs (novel)) Adverbs is a 2006 novel by Daniel Handler. It is formatted as a collection of seventeen interconnected narratives from the points of view of different people in various sorts of love. Each of the titles is an adverb suggesting what sort of love the people are dealing with. ...
  5. (adverbs) are mostly, very often overly used.
  6. Adverbs describe verbs.(and sometimes adjectives and other adverbs) - They answer the questions: how? when? where?
  7. (Adverbs (Les adverbes)) They are “add”ed to a “verb”. But also to adjectives and other adverbs. If you forget, think of any verb (action) and think of the word added to it. “Run” “Run slowly“. There’s your adverb.
  8. (Adverbs) are also very important words of the Portuguese vocabulary. Adverbs describe or tell us more about how a verb is performing.
  9. (Adverbs) are used to give extra information about a verb or to describe how often an action happens.
  10. (Adverbs) are words that refer to the time, manner and frequency of the action. They are also adjective intensifiers. Some examples of adverbs are: kagabii, kapila, kaduha, inigkabuntag, kaayo, karon.
  11. (Adverbs) are words that tell us more about an action; provides information about an event or statement - usually telling where, when or why as well as how it occurred.
  12. (Adverbs) deictic (here) ; time ; place ; direction ; manner ; degree
  13. (Adverbs) modify verbs just as adjectives modify nouns. So, adverbs further describe a particular verb such as how that particular action is being done. For instance, we know that I am running. But how am I running? I am running quickly. ...
  14. (Adverbs) they aren’t used as frequently as adjectives
  15. (Adverbs) thwart/athwart (þvert)
  16. A word like slowly, quietly, well, often etc. An adverb modifies a verb.
  17. Words that modify verbs, clauses, sentences and adjectives. For example, “quickly” and “fortunately”.
  18. an adverb is a word that modifies a verb by describing, refining, or qualifying it (e.g., he walked silently).
  19. A word which qualifies or further describes a verb, adjective or adverb. Examples are furiously which qualifies the verb sleep in Colourless green ideas sleep furiously, or intensely which qualifies stared in He stared at me intensely. Adverbs can also qualify adjectives, e.g. ...
  20. A word that describes an action or an adjective. Sometimes it tells you "when." Sometimes it's a -ly word in English.
  21. a word, such as very, really, or slowly, that is used to give more information about an adjective, verb, or other adverb.
  22. A type of modifier that precedes a verb or verbal phrase and that serves to limit or describe the verb.
  23. uninflectable word which marks a local or temporal or modal or causal situation.
  24. One of the primary parts of speech.  An adverb modifies the word or phrase to its left to produce a derived entity that can be any of the four primary parts of speech.
  25. These are words that modify Verbs (usually ending in “ly”): “quickly”; “safely”; “slowly”; “Monstrously”, etc.  They tell you how the activity is done.  ASL uses facial expression and sign modification to handle most adverbial information.